
Final project for CS 4400: Intro to Database Systems

Primary LanguageJavaScript

<<<<<<< HEAD


Final project for CS 4400: Intro to Database Systems

First-time Setup

  1. Make sure you have nodejs and npm installed
  2. To test this, run node -v and npm -v. The output should be the current version
  3. Ubuntu users need to install nodejs-legacy. This is easily done via apt-get
  4. Clone this repo into the desired location
  5. cd into the repo's directory.
  6. Run 'npm install' to install any missing dependencies
  7. run 'git update-index --assume-unchanged routes/credentials.js' (keeps confidential info from being pushed to the server)
  8. update routes/credentials.js with the appropriate login info for your machine

How to run

  1. Go into the repo directory
  2. Run 'npm start' to start the server
  3. Go to localhost:3000 to see results =======


Final project for CS 4400: Intro to Database Systems

First-time Setup

-Make sure you have nodejs and npm installed -To test this, run node -v and npm -v. The output should be the current version -Ubuntu users need to install nodejs-legacy. This is easily done via apt-get -Clone this repo into the desired location -cd into the repo's directory. -Run 'npm install' to install any missing dependencies

How to run

-Go into the repo directory -Run 'npm start' to start the server -Go to localhost:3000 to see results
