
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Maven Central License Support


This SDK is in EA, so all existing features are supported by Okta in a production setting.

This version of the Okta Java SDK supports CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for the following resource:

  • User
  • Group
  • Group Membership Rules



The only compile time dependency you will need is okta-sdk-api. You will also need to add the implementation dependencies too: okta-sdk-impl and okta-sdk-httpclient.


SNAPSHOT Dependencies

Snapshots are deployed off of the 'master' branch to OSSRH and can be consumed using the following repository configured for Apache Maven or Gradle:


Client configuration

There are a few ways to configure the client, but the easiest way is to create a ~/.okta/okta.yamlfile and set the token and orgUrl values:

    token: <your-api-token>
    orgUrl: https://dev-123456.oktapreview.com

Creating a Client

Once you create your okta.yaml file, you can create a client with a couple of lines:

// Instantiate a builder for your Client. If needed, settings like Proxy and Caching can be defined here.
ClientBuilder builder = Clients.builder();

// No need to define anything else; build the Client instance. The ClientCredential information will be automatically found
// in pre-defined locations.
Client client = builder.build();

Client CRUD Operations

The client is used to perform CRUD operations against Okta's management APIs.

Create a group:

UserGroup group = GroupBuilder.instance()
        .setName("my-user-group-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString())
        .setDescription("Quickstart created Group")

// print a couple of the attributes
println("Group: '" + group.getId() + "' was last updated on: " + group.getLastUpdated());

Create a User Account:

String email = "joe.coder+" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "@example.com";

User user = UserBuilder.instance()
    .setSecurityQuestion("Favorite security question?")
    .setSecurityQuestionAnswer("None of them!")
    .putProfileProperty("division", "Seven") // key/value pairs predefined in the user profile schema

String userId = user.getId();
println("User created with ID: " + userId);

Add user to the newly created group:


User lookup by ID or email:

// You can look up user by ID
println("User lookup by ID: "+ client.getUser(userId).getProfile().getLogin());

// or by Email
println("User lookup by Email: "+ client.getUser(email).getProfile().getLogin());


Paging is handled automatically when iterating over a any collection.

// get the list of users
UserList users = client.listUsers();

// get the first user in the collection
println("First user in collection: " + users.iterator().next().getProfile().getEmail());

// or loop through all of them (paging is automatic)
int ii = 0;
for (User tmpUser : users) {
    println("["+ ii++ +"] User: " + tmpUser.getProfile().getEmail());

Build this Project

To build and install:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Navigate to the repo directory. It should contain pom.xml
  3. Build with tests mvn install