
Used Excel to analyze hotel booking data, cleaning and transforming it to reveal key trends. Created pivot tables to understand guest types, room status, booking behavior, and cancellations by hotel. Developed a data dashboard for clear visualization.

Project Title: Hotel Booking Analysis Project Using Excel

Hotel Booking Analysis Project Using Excel.png

This repository showcases a comprehensive hotel booking analysis project completed in Excel. The project highlights data analysis, data cleaning, transformation, visualization skills using pivot tables and dashboards.

Project Goals:

  • Analyze guest booking behavior and identify trends.
  • Understand the impact of room allocation on cancellations.
  • Gain insights into reservation patterns based on arrival dates.
  • Compare booking and cancellation metrics across different hotels.

Key Skills Demonstrated:

  • Data Analysis (ETL Process, Pivot Tables)
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Data Visualization (Dashboards)

Project Structure:

  • data folder: Contains the raw and processed hotel booking data (replace with your data format).
  • analysis.xlsx: The main Excel workbook with data cleaning, pivot tables, and charts.
  • dashboard.xlsx (Optional): A separate workbook for the final data dashboard (if applicable).

Further Exploration:

  • This project serves as a foundation for further analysis, such as forecasting future bookings or exploring guest demographics.

Data Disclaimer:

  • Replace the placeholder data in the data folder with your own anonymized hotel booking dataset.

Feel free to reach out to discuss the project or potential collaborations!

Hashtags: #DataAnalysis #Excel #DataVisualization #HotelBookings