This is MERN Stack Ecommerce Project Made to Teach MERN Stack on YouTube
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UI Enhancement
#110 opened by aprajitapandeyxcghd - 0
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#107 opened by Meetpidev - 0
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'products' of 'useSelector(...)' as it is undefined.
#103 opened by Nikhil23696 - 1
#101 opened by gauravsingh12108 - 4
Redirection function error in Cart.jsx
#98 opened by swapnilgithubexe - 2
Cannot destructure property 'product' of '(0 , react_redux__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.useSelector)(...)' as it is undefined.
#70 opened by Bdisha123 - 9
issue in sending email
#52 opened by sheikhumar122 - 1
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The requested model './io5' contains conflicting star export for the name 'IoLogoAndrpod' , 'IoLoAngular',.... ERROR in ./node_modules/react-icons/all.js 4:0-22
#74 opened by ashishnxt - 1
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can someone share loginsignup.js file
#72 opened by justinajodi - 1
proxy error
#92 opened by bhushanatchyutuni - 1
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TypeError : params.getValue is not a function this error is pop up in MyOrder.js file does anyone know the solution for this error reply me
#60 opened by nilabhjaiswal - 17
Having problems with user authentication
#44 opened by MohakAhuja21 - 0
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problem in cart item
#84 opened by itsKayumkhan - 0
Made the Project
#79 opened by shoebxsiddiqui - 0
backend is deployed properly and running fine in localhost but frontend is not running is not getting fetched from data ase after deploying frontend
#76 opened by Bdisha123 - 2
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File not included in src dircetory
#69 opened by Kush-17 - 1
Couldn't decode base64 while updating profile
#68 opened by rahul9999999 - 3
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Navbar icons are not showing . I have installed both overlay-navbar and react-icons. Can you help me please ?
#37 opened by alalUDDIN123 - 0
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Forgot Password
#65 opened by Kanai2003 - 0
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Forgot password
#38 opened by Abhishek0943 - 3
Params is not recognized,
#59 opened by Ahsan22812 - 1
Pagination not working
#58 opened by adit26data - 3
Protected Route not working
#57 opened by Ahsan22812 - 1
i an not getting cookies in chrome
#46 opened - 4
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Forgot Password Verification (Postman)
#50 opened by HetMamtora - 0
#51 opened by boominLol2023 - 1
Not able to turn on "Less secure App Access" in gmail as google have removed this option...
#42 opened by amitrao91 - 0
Changing stripe to Paytm or razorpay gateway
#49 opened by MohakAhuja21 - 4
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stripe api key not getting fetched and stripekey endpoint failing to fetch api key before login user on loading page
#39 opened by AbhishekKumar567 - 0
What are the admin credentials?
#36 opened by Bhavil-Ahuja - 0
My LogoutFails when i am on dashboard i don't know what happen but it is not working there?
#35 opened by wajahatmasood