
MessagePack serializer for Unity3D

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This package provides API for data serialization/deserialization into MessagePack and JSON formats.

Supported Platforms:

  • PC/Mac
  • iOS
  • Android
  • WebGL


  • Json
    • Serialize
    • SerializeToString
    • Deserialize
  • MsgPack
    • Serialize
    • Deserialize

##Installation Nuget

PM> Install-Package GameDevWare.Serialization 


Json + MessagePack Serializer


Serialize object into Stream using MessagePack serializer:

var outputStream = new MemoryStream();
MsgPack.Serialize(new { field1 = 1, field2 = 2 }, outputStream);

Deserialize object from Stream using MessagePack serializer:

Stream inputStream;
MsgPack.Deserialize(typeof(MyObject), inputStream); -> instance of MyObject
// or
MsgPack.Deserialize<MyObject>(inputStream); -> instance of MyObject

Mapping Types

MessagePack/Json serializer is guided by Data Contract rules. Its behaviour can be changed with DataContract, DataMember, IgnoreDataMember attributes.

Attributes can be from System.Runtime.Serialization.dll or your attributes with same names.

Supported Types

  • Primitives: Boolean, Byte, Double, Int16, Int32, Int64, SBytes, Single, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, String
  • Standard Types: Decimal, DateTimeOffset, DateTime, TimeSpan, Guid, Uri, Version, DictionaryEntry
  • Unity3D Types: Bounds, Vector, Matrix4x4, Quaternion, Rect, Color ...
  • Binary: Stream, byte[]
  • Lists: Array, ArrayList, List, HashSet and any other IEnumerable types with Add method.
  • Maps: Hashtable, Dictionary<K,V>, and other IDictionary types
  • Nullable types
  • Enumeration
  • Objects

Custom Type Serializers

To implement a custom TypeSerializer you need to inherit it from TypeSerializer and override Deserialize and Serialize methods.

public sealed class GuidSerializer : TypeSerializer
	public override Type SerializedType { get { return typeof(Guid); } }

	public override object Deserialize(IJsonReader reader)
		var guidStr = reader.ReadString(advance: false); // advance mean 'call reader.NextToken' after ReadString
		var value = new Guid(guidStr);
		return value;

	public override void Serialize(IJsonWriter writer, object valueObj)
		var value = (Guid)valueObj; // you never get null here
		var guidStr = value.ToString();

Then you need to register your class in Json.DefaultSerializers collection or mark it with TypeSerializerAttribute.

Extra Type Information

There is additional type information with each serialized object. It increases size of the serialized data. If you do not want to store object's type information, specify SuppressTypeInformation when calling Serialize method.

MsgPack.Serialize(value, stream, SerializationOptions.SuppressTypeInformation);

If you want to ignore type information when deserializing an object, specify SuppressTypeInformation when calling Deserialize method.

MsgPack.Deserialize(typeof(MyObject), stream, SerializationOptions.SuppressTypeInformation);


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