
Single-channel blind source separation

Primary LanguagePython

Single-channel blind source separation

This package decomposes two overlapping speech signals, which are recoded in one channel. The method is described in deep clustering paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.04306. The code is based on zhr1201/deep-clustering from the Github. I fixed issues with inference using the trained model, upgraded the code to support python3 and made a python package called DeWave.


  • Python3.6
  • tensorflow
  • numpy
  • scikit-learn
  • librosa


The python is available on PyPI, and you can install it by typing pip install DeWave

File documentation

  • model.py: Bi-LSTM neural network
  • train.py: train the deep learning network
  • infer.py: separate sources from the mixture
  • utility.py: evaluate the performance of the DNN model

Training your speaker separator

Prepare training and validation datasets

  1. Put audio files in wav or sph format under the data directory. For each speaker, one should create a folder and put all audios that belong to this speaker into this folder. The function dewave-clip can help generate clips based on these audios. As an example, one can download two audio files using the links as follows:
    The source of datasets is from
    After downloading the files and put them into the data directory. Under the current working directory, create a directory called data. Then type
    dewave-clip --dir=data --out=data/train --num=256
    in the command line, which will automatically generate the training datasets. Similarly, one can type
    dewave-clip --dir=data --out=data/val --num=128
    to obtain the validation data.
  2. Pack the data. Type
    dewave-pack --dir=data/train --out=train.pkl
    dewave-pack --dir=data/val --out=val.pkl
    The train.pkl is used as the training data and the val.pkl is used as the validation data.

Train the BI-LSTM

  1. Create two directories. One is used to store trained model. The other directory is used to store summary of learning process. For example, under the current working directory, we create two directoies, namely seeds and summary. Then one can type
    dewave-train --model_dir=seeds --summary_dir=summary --train_pkl=train.pkl --val_pkl=val.pkl
    in commmand line to start training the BI-LSTM model. Stop the training process once the loss on the validation datasets converges.

Infering based on trained model

  1. For a mixed audio file, e.g. mix.wav, type
    dewave-infer --input_file=mix.wav --model_dir=seeds
    in command line to restore the sources. Two restored audios called mix_source1.wav and mix_source2.wav are generated. One can download a mixed sample through the link:

Pretrained model

I have a pretrained model using TED talks from 5 speakers. One can download the model through the link below:


Here are a few results based on the pretrained model. The mixed audios are synthetic data based on Ted talks. For those speakers who have appeared in the training datasets, I sampled different time periods to ensure that there is no overlap between training data and test data. The demos can be accessed using the links below:




  1. Error for reading the audio file using librosa. Solution: install ffmpeg.

  2. ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (X, 100, 129) for Tensor 'Placeholder_2:0', which has shape '(128, 100, 129)'. Solution: the number of audio clips should be at least 128.