A card game, inspired by Fluxx, i.e. a game where the rules and win conditions change as you play the cards in your hand (just like life!). This game is developed around the concepts of internet health and on the issues and policies that we see in tech policy.
- Everyone starts with 3 cards
- Initial play is Draw 1, Play 1; 1 Goal to start.
- Anyone can join at any time
- Title
- Sub-title
- Description
- Name
- Category
Actions (events that occur in one play round, can affect anyone in the game or the person playing the Action)
- Title
- Description
- Name
- Keepers to achieve goal
Card Template: https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/107967/fluxx-custom-card-template
Edit deck.json
to add cards.
See the current cards in the printout.html.
- OTI (Ross @rschulman, Sharon, Tiffany, Jo, Alison, Chris @critzo, Nat @natmey ...more...)
- Jack Aponte (@jackaponte)
- JaimeV
- Helyx Chase
- Maya Wagoner (@mayawagon)
- Kim Garcia
- David Winslow (@dwins)