
Group Project at Epicodus - July 2016

Primary LanguageCSS


This application is designed to allow a user to store, update, delete and view date ideas. The date ideas can be saved with the following information: name, address, description and rating. If the user wishes they can also tag the dates with categories and then view all the dates with the same categories.

Technologies Used

Application: Ruby, Sinatra, Active Record
Testing: Rspec, Capybara
Database: Postgres


Begin the installation by cloning the repository from github.

$ git clone https://github.com/meaghanjones/date_suggester.git

Install bundler

$ gem install bundler

Install required gems in the local repository:

$ bundle install

Run Postgres


Create databases:

rake db:create
rake db:schema:load

Start the webserver:

$ ruby app.rb

Navigate to localhost:4567 in browser.


This software is licensed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2016 Alex Hagge, Erin Goncer, Halle Williams, Jake Richmond, Lauren Posey, Meaghan Jones, Stephanie Gurung