This is the setup for my docker workshop at PHPBenelux 2015.


For the workshop, you should come equipped with:

  • A laptop
  • A current version of Vagrant (tested with 1.6.5)
  • A current version of Virtualbox (tested with 4.3.16)
  • Being able to connect to vagrant boxes through SSH - if you are using Windows, you may need something like PuTTy for this
  • Basic knowledge how to operate the above, and some Linux shell commands
  • 10GB free space on your filesystem (this is just temporary for the workshop)


To make us mostly independent from conference WIFI (part of the workshop involves installing quite a few Ubuntu packages), we will use two prepared VMs for the workshop.

Here is how to set these up:

1) Get the code

$ git clone
$ cd docker-workshop-setup

2) Run the boxes

$ vagrant up

3) Wait

Vagrant should download and spin up two boxes. These are quite large, so please be patient.

Alternative #1

If you have problems with the download during vagrant up, you might want to get the box files manually and then add them to your host. Between steps #1 and #2 above, please download both boxes from

Then, manually add the boxes to Vagrant:

$ vagrant box add --name phpbnl15-services /
$ vagrant box add --name phpbnl15-playground /path/to/

After the boxes have been added, continue at step #2.

Alternative #2

I will bring the box files to the workshop on USB drives as a backup solution. However, every single developer with a ready-to-go setup will speed up the workshop for everyone else, so please try to download and install the everything beforehand. Please note you will still need both Vagrant and Virtualbox ready to go.