
Discord bot that sends leetcode questions every Monday to Friday to practise your algorithmic skills

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Discord bot that sends leetcode questions every Monday to Friday to practise your algorithmic skills

Running application locally

  1. Clone this repositry https://github.com/meanmachin3/leetcode-bot.git

  2. Create your bot token over here

  3. create .env file

  4. mv env.sample .env

  5. Paste your env settings

  6. node index.js

Deploy Bot to Heroku

Deploy HGE on heroku

After deploying, add the following environment variables

GUILD: your_server_name
CHANNEL: your_channel_name_to_post
BOT_TOKEN: bot_token
LEETCODE_LOGIN: leetcode_user_name
LEETCODE_PASS: leetcode_pass_word

Save changes.

Server configuration

  1. Go to Resources
  2. Scale down your web worker
  3. Scale up your worker node


  1. !help: To see list of commands available
  2. !submit: To submit code directly from server to leetcode

