Problem Statement:

Create a webpage where customers exploring solar can find relevant content by searching for commonly used terms like ”panel cost”, “Solar Inverters”, “solar power”, etc. This can be implemented with a simple search widget which fetches blog posts by making API calls to Oorjan Blog (hosted on Wordpress) Wordpress API docs -


On click of search button - list titles of the five latest blog posts. Title should be hyperlinked to the actual post (open in new tab)

Success Metric:

Functional web app
UX and UI - attention to detail and aesthetics. Extra points for using Angular, Ember, React or any other frontend framework you are comfortable with.
Code quality.

Final deliverables

Please organize, design, test, document and deploy your code as if it were going into production, then send us a link to the:
Web app hosted on a cloud service of your choice (Heroku, AWS, etc).
Hosted repository (e.g. Github, Bitbucket...).