Supported Browsers

  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Edge

Make Your Resume Online in 8 Steps (Without Paying For Domain)

  • Fork the repo and clone it in your local machine.

  • Run the below command from project root to install all the dependencies.

npm install
  • Once the necessary packages are installed run the website using the below command.
npm start
  • Edit the index.html and replace the default text with your career information.

  • Edit the photo and customize the theme by changing the variables in site.scss file under "scss" folder.

  • Check-in your changes and go to your project "Settings" in Github.

  • Rename the "Repository Name" to <github_user_name>

  • Navigate to the GitHub Pages section and open the "Source" dropdown. Select the option "master branch".

  • Save the changes and GitHub will display the URL through which you can access the resume in the same section and it would be something like https://<github_user_name> Hit the url and verify you can access the page.


For more icons please use fontello.
