
local test tool for weixin (wechat) MP .适用于微信公众号开发的本地测试工具.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


local test tool for weixin (wechat) MP .

system environment require:

  • php 5.3+ with yaf extension and usenamespace

server side message dispatcher written in asp.net is also privided.(/public/testpost.aspx)

attension for using asp.net version dispatcher:

  • confirm your server config that the program can receive html or xml code.


附带 asp.net 版的服务端的消息转发程序 (/public/testpost.aspx)

使用 asp.net 版的服务端消息转发程序需要注意:

  • 确保您的服务器配置允许接收 html/xml 代码.