
A Super Mario World hack I am working on; unlikely to be finished but archiving the code for anyone who may find it useful.

Primary LanguageAssembly

This is (was, more likely) my main SMW hacking project for some time. It's rather
in a messy state (mainly, older levels need sprites remapped from when I
overhauled the sprite system) and currently has more than a few warts. I'd like to
revisit it someday and clean up the features I was working on, but I find that
unlikely to happen anytime soon. I thought at least some of the code might be good
as a reference for someone else interested in making sweeping changes to the game's
sprite system. You can build a test version by placing a headered USA v1.0 Super Mario
World rom named smw.smc in the `rom_src' directory, then run 'make'.
  * note: there's likely some small code clashing in the sprite code; you
    may find you need to patch the sprite code again afterwards.
Build system depends on GNU make, python3, and the flips bps patcher.

Non-comprehensive list of things I modified:
  * Completely custom sprite system ('normal' sprites are
    very similar to before but called long; the multitude
    of minor sprite types are condensed into a single 'ambient'
    sprite type).
    * Many sprites of both types still need to be implemented,
      bugs in ambient gfx routines (mostly lazy/bad high oam mirror
  * Camera scripting subsystem allowing fine camera control
    * Needs heavy work to iron out, this feature is in its
  * A better Spritesets implementation, to be completely dynamic
    * Slot allocation still needs to be done
  * A slightly modified 'dsx.asm' (for dynamic sprites) to allow for
    more efficient slot uploading (reduces the number of dmas needed
    to fill a slot in vram, saving a little vblank time)
  * uberasm not used, replaced with a custom implementation that can
    select things based on header values/unused (or now-hardcoded)
    exgfx slots