
Open .ipynb notebook files in neovim

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


A neovim plugin for working with .ipynb notebook files.


Install with your favourite plugin manager. e.g.:


use {"meatballs/notebook.nvim"}


Add the following to your init.lua:


Or, to set any of the configuration options:

require('notebook').setup {
    -- Whether to insert a blank line at the top of the notebook
    insert_blank_line = true,

    -- Whether to display the index number of a cell
    show_index = true,

    -- Whether to display the type of a cell
    show_cell_type = true,

    -- Style for the virtual text at the top of a cell
    virtual_text_style = { fg = "lightblue", italic = true },


Open an existing .ipynb file or create a new one.

You can then edit the content of any cell and saving the buffer will correctly write your changes back to your notebook file.


If you're in a buffer for an .ipynb file, the following commands will be available:

  • NBAddCell - Add a cell to the end of the notebook
  • NBInsertCell - Insert a cell below the current cell
  • NBDeleteCell - Delete the current cell
  • NBMoveCell <index> - Move the current cell to the given position
  • NBMoveCellDown - Move the current cell down the notebook by one
  • NBMoveCellUp - Move the current cell up the notebook by one

NOTE: There must be no unsaved changes in your buffer before these commands will work and neovim's Undo functionality will not reverse the changes made by these commands.


The plugin provides User autocommands for your customisation:

  • NBPreRender - runs immediately before a notebook is rendered
  • NBPostRender - runs immediately after a notebook is rendered
  • NBPreRenderCell - runs immediately before each cell is rendered
  • NBPostRenderCell - runs immediately after each cell is rendered.


If you use the magma plugin, you can add the following to your neovim config.

This will:

  • Prompt for Magma initialisation when an .ipynb file is opened
  • (Re)define all cells as Magma cells each time the notebook is rendered
local api = require("notebook.api")
local settings = require("notebook.settings")

function _G.define_cell(extmark)
    if extmark == nil then
        local line = vim.fn.line(".")
        extmark, _ = api.current_extmark(line)
    local start_line = extmark[1] + 1
    local end_line = extmark[3].end_row
    pcall(function() vim.fn.MagmaDefineCell(start_line, end_line) end)

function _G.define_all_cells()
    local buffer = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
    local extmarks = settings.extmarks[buffer]
    for id, cell in pairs(extmarks) do
        local extmark = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmark_by_id(
            0, settings.plugin_namespace, id, { details = true }
        if cell.cell_type == "code" then

    { "BufRead", },
    { pattern = { "*.ipynb" }, command = "MagmaInit" }
    { pattern = { "MagmaInitPost", "NBPostRender" }, callback = _G.define_all_cells }

NOTE: For these to work, you must use the 'meatballs' fork of the magma plugin as linked above.