
Create Web API documentation based on your ExUnit tests

Primary LanguageElixir


Build Status

AutoDoc is a Elixir implementation of Avocado. It automatically creates Web API documentation for any Elixir application using Plug. All docs are generated based on the requests made during the tests.


The package can be installed as:

  1. Add auto_doc to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:auto_doc, "~> 0.0.2", only: :test}]


  1. Add these functions to your test_helper.exs file:
  1. Add context to your setup function. Also pass the conn and context[:test] to AutoDoc.document_api/2 in your setup block.
setup context do
  conn =
    |> AutoDoc.document_api(context[:test])
  {:ok, conn: conn}
  1. Run mix test. This will create a api-docs.html file at the root of your project which you can then open with a web browser.

For large teams you'll want to add api-docs.html to your .gitignore

Example Doc Page

Alt text

Road Map

  • Create a plug to serve the api-docs.html via router Plug.
  • Allow user to set an ENV to determine whether to create docs or not. This way they can create the docs on the build server.
  • Use @tag or create custom tag to allow customization of what to doc and how to document. e.g. skipping test, markdown for description, etc.
  • The ability to upload docs to a static cloud hosting service. e.g. Netlify, S3/Cloudfront, GitHub Pages, GitLab Pages
  • Allow developers to add custom templates/themes

I'm always open to pull requests. Feel free to reach out to me on the Elixir Slack server meatherly is the username.