Homework Assignments for PUI
Assignment 1:
- Census data
- Mapping with Geopandas, PUMA data
- Working with JSON files
- downloading from API and using API keys
- creating geometry from lat/long
- finding # per shape
Assignment 2:
- Null hypothesis testing
- creating new columns (weekday/weekend)
Assignment 2:
- Linear Regressions using StatsModels
- weighted regression, WLS
Assignment 3:
- Linear regression
- plotting with error bars, histograms,
- fitting a line and outlier removal
Assignment 1:
- Log Likelihood
- linear, quadratic fits, Likelihood ratio test
Assignment 2: (buildingnrg)
- chloropleths, scatter matrix, data wrangling
- feature engineering
- regression and polynomial fitting
- calculating chi square and likelihood ratio test to compare models
Assignment 1:
- Time Series & Decision Trees
- Point of Change Analysis, plotting time series
- Working with 3D Numpy Arrays
Assignment 1 (Subway):
- Fourier Transform
Assignment 2:
- Clustering (KMeans, Agglomerative)
- looping through files for download
- Plotting with for loops and subplots