

Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and 17.04


Build from Source

Please see FaceRecogClientCppDocker for an automated build enviroment.

Install the deb

You need to build the project and run cpack to create the debs.

apt-get install libopencv-dev, qtbase5-dev, libqt5webkit5-dev, libopenblas-dev, liblapack-dev
dpkg -i face-recog-client.deb

Configure & Run

The embedding service Face Recog Python Services must run and the tracking service Face Recog Server must be available.

The /usr/local/etc/face-recog-config.ini config file needs to be updated:

  • embedding_service_url = "http://localhost:5001/"
    • Preferably on the same machine for better performance and network delay.
  • tracking_api_url = "https://face.otep.ch/"
    • The single endpoint for all camera instances to send camera images and embeddings to.
  • location_name = "cam2"
    • Should be unique across all camera instances.
  • tracking_view_url = "https://face.otep.ch/locations/$location_name/current"
    • Website with recognized faces. Should be the same server that handles the tracking api requests.
  • predictor_path = "${FACE_RECOG_LANDMARK_PATH}"
    • Landmark file with the predictor shapes for facial detection.




Faces are detected with dlib's frontal face detector (http://dlib.net/) Face embeddings are calculated using the Tensorflow-based facenet (https://github.com/davidsandberg/facenet)