GeoGebra question type for Moodle 3.5-3.11


The GeoGebra question type plugin allows teachers to set up questions which can be solved and automatically checked using GeoGebra.


  • Moodle 3.5 or above
  • JavaScript enabled in your browser
  • Modern browser


  • Place the "geogebra" directory within your_moodle_install/question/type/
  • Visit the admin notifications page and complete the installation
  • Done!

Usage as teacher

  • Create a worksheet where there is at least one boolean variable which indicates whether the students solution is correct
  • Upload the question to GeoGebraTube
  • As a teacher, create a GeoGebra question in Moodle
  • Supply the URL of the GeoGebraTube worksheet or choose the material using the file picker (only works with GeoGebraTube repository installed)
  • Load the Applet. Variables which could be randomized or can be used for checking correctness, will be extracted automatically
  • Choose the fraction which goes with the boolean variable
  • Save the question and use it for your quiz