
Dockerfile for Wavi Core (https://github.com/wavidev-the-man/wavi)


Dockerfile for Wavi Core (https://github.com/wavidev-the-man/wavi)

Example Usage

Starting Wavi Core

$ docker run -it -v $(pwd)/data:/data -p 9984:9984 --name=wavid mecab/wavid

Interacting with the Daemon

$ docker exec wavid wavi-cli -datadir=/data getinfo

Data Persistent

You should persist your data, which is normally (if without container) created as ~/.wavicore, by specify -v option to map host directory to datadir inside the container (e.g., -v $(pwd)/data:/data). Note we pass -datadir=/data by default, but if you override the arguments you will need to add it manually. (e.g. docker run -it -v $(pwd)/data:/data mecab/wavid -datadir=/data -testnet=3)

Do persist. Not to persist means not to persist your wallet. If you didn't persist your data, your wallet is saved on somewhere deeper 1 in your disk and will be removed when you remove the container.


  1. If you know where it is, you are not Docker beginner, no need to explain.