
Wumpus-AR is an Android app in which you can play the 'Hunt The Wumpus' game in Augmented Reality.

  • You can create your own maps to hunt the Wumpus
  • The current version only supports SinglePlayer hunts, but you can send your personal maps to your friends.
  • You can select the location where you want the hunt to take place.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • Android SDK.
  • An Android Development IDE.
  • An Android device or emulator with API level 15+.
  • An Android device or emulator with internet connection.
  • (Optional) An Android device or emulator with Bluetooth.


To install the application you need to:

  • Clone this repository.
  • Open this project on any Android IDE (preferably Android Studio).
  • Install the packages needed.
  • Wait for the Gradle to finish.

You are ready to run the app!


This app was developed by Clavicusoft: