
Demo projects for iOS Audio & Video development.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Demo projects for iOS Audio & Video development.


Sample application that uses the MTAudioProcessingTap in combination with AV Foundation to visualize audio samples as well as applying a Core Audio audio unit effect (Bandpass Filter) to the audio data.

Note: The sample requires at least one video asset in the Asset Library (Camera Roll) to use as the source media. It will automatically select the first one it finds.

AVAEMixerSample: Using AVAudioEngine for Playback, Mixing and Recording

AVAEMixerSample demonstrates playback, recording and mixing using AVAudioEngine.

  • Uses AVAudioFile and AVAudioPCMBuffer objects with a AVAudioPlayerNode to play audio.
  • Creates an AVAudioSequencer to play MIDI files using the AVAudioUnitSampler instrument.
  • Illustrates one-to-many connections (AVAudioConnectionPoint) using the connect:toConnectionPoints: API.
  • Demonstrates connecting and applying effects using both the AVAudioUnitReverb and AVAudioUnitDistortion.
  • Captures mixed or processed audio to a file via a node tap.

AVAutoWait: Using AVFoundation to play HTTP assets with minimal stalls

This sample demonstrates how to use automatic waiting to deal with bandwidth limitations when playing HTTP live-streamed and progressive-download movies. This sample highlights what properties you should consider and how automatic waiting affects your user interface.


The AVBasicVideoOutput This sample shows how to perform real-time video processing using AVPlayerItemVideoOutput and how to optimally display processed video frames on screen using CAEAGLLayer and CADisplayLink. It uses simple math to adjust the luma and chroma values of pixels in every video frame in real time.

An AVPlayerItemVideoOutput object vends CVPixelBuffers in real-time. To drive the AVPlayerItemVideoOutput we need to use a fixed rate, hardware synchronized service like CADisplayLink or GLKitViewController. These services send a callback to the application at the vertical sync frequency. Through these callbacks we can query AVPlayerItemVideoOutput for a new pixel buffer (if available) for the next vertical sync. This pixel buffer is then processed for any video effect we wish to apply and rendered to screen on a view backed by a CAEAGLLayer.

AVCam: Building a Camera App


Capture photos with depth data and record video using the front and rear iPhone and iPad cameras.

AVCamBarcode: Using AVFoundation to Detect Barcodes and Faces

This sample demonstrates how to use the AVFoundation capture API to detect barcodes and faces.

AVCamFilter: Applying Filters to a Capture Stream


Render a capture stream with rose-colored filtering and depth effects.

AVCamManual: Extending AVCam to Use Manual Capture API

AVCamManual adds manual controls for focus, exposure, and white balance to the AVCam sample application.

AVCaptureLocation: Using AVFoundation APIs to record a movie with location metadata

This sample shows how to use AVAssetWriterInputMetadataAdaptor API to write timed location metadata, obtained from CoreLocation, during live video capture. The captured movie file has video, audio and metadata track. The metadata track contains location corresponding to where the video was recorded.


AVCaptureAudioDataOutput To AudioUnit iOS

AVCaptureToAudioUnit for iOS demonstrates how to use the CMSampleBufferRefs vended by AVFoundation's capture AVCaptureAudioDataOutput object with various CoreAudio APIs. The application uses a AVCaptureSession with a AVCaptureAudioDataOutput to capture audio from the default input, applies an effect to that audio using a simple delay effect AudioUnit and writes the modified audio to a file using the CoreAudio ExtAudioFile API. It also demonstrates using and AUGraph containing an AUConverter to convert the AVCaptureAudioDataOutput provided data format into a suitable format for the delay effect.

The CaptureSessionController class is responsible for setting up and running the AVCaptureSession and for passing the captured audio buffers to the CoreAudio AudioUnit and ExtAudioFile. The setupCaptureSession method is responsible for setting up the AVCaptureSession, while the captureOutput:didOutputSampleBuffer:fromConnection: passes the captured audio data through the AudioUnit via AudioUnitRender into the file using ExtAudioFileWriteAsync when recording.

CoreMedia provides two convenience methods to easily use the captured audio data with CoreAudio APIs. The CMSampleBufferGetAudioBufferListWithRetainedBlockBuffer API fills in an AudioBufferList with the data from the CMSampleBuffer, and returns a CMBlockBuffer which references (and manages the lifetime of) the data in that AudioBufferList. This AudioBufferList can be used directly by AudioUnits and other CoreAudio objects. The CMSampleBufferGetNumSamples API returns the number of frames of audio contained within the sample buffer, a value that can also be passed directly to CoreAudio APIs.

Because CoreAudio AudioUnits process audio data using a "pull" model, but the AVCaptureAudioDataOutput object "pushes" audio sample buffers onto a client in real time, the captured buffers must be sent though the AudioUnit via an AudioUnit render callback which requests input audio data each time AudioUnitRender is called to retrieve output audio data. Every time captureOutput:didOutputSampleBuffer:fromConnection: receives a new sample buffer, it gets and stores the buffer as the Input AudioBufferList (so that the render callback can access it), and then immediately calls AudioUnitRender which synchronously pulls the stored input buffer list through the AudioUnit via the render callback. The output data is available in the output AudioBufferList passed to AudioUnitRender. This output buffer list may be passed to ExtAudioFile for final format conversion and writing to the file.


This sample application has an AVCompositionDebugView which presents a visual description of the underlying AVComposition, AVVideoComposition and AVAudioMix objects which form the composition made using two clips, adding a cross fade transition in between and audio ramps to the two audio tracks. The visualization provided by the sample can be used as a debugging tool to discover issues with an incorrect composition/video composition. For example: a break in video composition would render black frames to screen, which can easily be detected using the visualization in the sample.


The sample demonstrates the use of custom compositors to add transitions to an AVMutableComposition. It implements the AVVideoCompositing and AVVideoCompositionInstruction protocols to have access to individual source frames, which are then be rendered using OpenGL or Metal off screen rendering.

AVFoundationExporter: Exporting and Transcoding Movies

The AVFoundationExporter sample demonstrates how to export and transcode movie files, add metadata to movie files, and filter existing metadata in movie files using the AVAssetExportSession class.

AVFoundationPiPPlayer: Picture-in-Picture Playback with AVKit

Demonstrates how to use the AVPictureInPictureController class to implement picture-in-picture video playback. It shows the steps required to start and stop picture-in-picture mode and to setup a delegate to receive event callbacks. Clients of AVFoundation using the AVPlayerLayer class for media playback must use the AVPictureInPictureController class, whereas clients of AVKit who use the AVPlayerViewController class get picture-in-picture mode without any additional setup.

AVFoundationQueuePlayer-iOS: Using a Mixture of Local File Based Assets and HTTP Live Streaming Assets with AVFoundation

Demonstrates how to create a movie queue playback app using only the AVQueuePlayer and AVPlayerLayer classes of AVFoundation (not AVKit). You’ll find out how to manage a queue compromised of local, HTTP-live-streamed, and progressive-download movies. You’ll also see how to implement play, pause, skip, volume adjustment, time slider updating, and scrubbing.

AVFoundationSimplePlayer-iOS: Using AVFoundation to Play Media

Demonstrates how to create a simple movie playback app using only the AVPlayer and AVPlayerLayer classes from AVFoundation (not AVKit). You'll see how to open a movie file and then how to implement various functionality including play, pause, fast forward, rewind, volume adjustment, time slider updating, and scrubbing.


This OS X sample application uses AVPlayerItemVideoOutput in combination with a custom CIFilter to do basic chroma keying in real time.

AVLocationPlayer: Using AVFoundation Metadata Reading APIs

AVLocationPlayer demonstrates how to use AVAssetReaderOutputMetadataAdaptor to read location metadata from a movie file containing this information. The location data is then plotted on MKMapView to present the location path where the video was recorded. This sample also shows the use of AVPlayerItemMetadataOutput to show current location on the drawn path during playback.


This sample demonstrates how to use multiple synchronized AVPlayerLayer instances, associated with a single AVPlayer, to efficiently produce non-trivial presentation of timed visual media. Using just one AVPlayer this sample demonstrates how you can display the same video in multiple AVPlayerLayers simultaneously. With minimal code you can create very customized and creative forms of video display. As an example, this sample demonstrates an interactive loupe, or magnifying glass, for video playback. This is similar to features that you might have used in iPhoto and Aperture.

This sample was explored in the WWDC 2012 session 517: Real-Time Media Effects and Processing during Playback. https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/samplecode/AVLoupe/

AVMetadataRecordPlay: Timed Metadata Capture Recording and Playback

The AVMetadataRecordPlay sample demonstrates how to use AVFoundation capture APIs to record and play movies with timed metadata content. The sample also shows how to use timed-metadata tracks to record detected-face, video orientation, and GPS metadata. When playing back content, the AVMetadataRecordPlay class reads the detected-face and GPS timed metadata tracks and uses it to render augmentations on the video layer to indicate their values. AVMetadataRecordPlay also reads the video orientation metadata and dynamically adjusts the video layer to properly render the content. The sample runs only on an actual device (iPad or iPhone); you can’t run it in the Simulator.


This universal sample application reads movie files from the asset and media library then exports them to a new media file with user defined settings. The user can adjust the exported file in the following ways:

  • Export presets can be chosen which influence the size and quality of the output.
  • The file type can be changed.
  • Tracks and existing metadata can be inspected.
  • Metadata can be inserted or deleted.


Uses AVPlayer to play videos from the iPod Library, Camera Roll, or via iTunes File Sharing. Also displays metadata.

AVPlayerLooper: Using AVQueuePlayer and AVPlayerLooper to demonstrate loop playback

This sample is a collection of projects showing how to play an audio visual item in a loop using AVFoundation's AVQueuePlayer and/or AVPlayerLooper.


A simple AV Foundation based movie editing application for iOS.

AVTimedAnnotationWriter: Using Custom Annotation Metadata for Movie Writing and Playback

Demonstrates how to use the AVAssetWriterInputMetadataAdaptor API to write circle annotation metadata during video playback. The captured movie file has video, audio and metadata track. The metadata track contains circle annotation which is vended during playback using AVPlayerItemMetadataOutput.


The avTouch sample demonstrates use of the AVAudioPlayer class for basic audio playback.

The code in avTouch uses the AV Foundation framework to play a file containing AAC audio data. The application uses Core Graphics and OpenGL to display sound volume meters during playback.

This application shows how to:

  • Create an AVAudioPlayer object from an input audio file.

  • Use OpenGL and Core Graphics to display metering levels.

  • Use Audio Session Services to set an appropriate audio session category for playback.

  • Use the AVAudioPlayer interruption delegate methods to pause playback upon receiving an interruption, and to then resume playback if the interruption ends.

  • Demonstrates a technique to perform Fast Forward and Rewind

avTouch does not demonstrate how to play multiple files, nor does it demonstrate more advanced use of AV Foundation.


iPhone CapturePause sample from http://www.gdcl.co.uk//2013/04/03/Fix-CapturePause.html


Core Image Filters with Photos and Video for iOS

The CIFunHouse project shows how to apply Core Image built in and custom CIFilters to photos and video.

Frame Re-ordering Video Encoding

From Frame Re-ordering Support in iOS Video Encoding


This sample demonstrates how to use the AVFoundation framework to capture YUV frames from the camera and process them using shaders in OpenGL ES 2.0. CVOpenGLESTextureCache, which is new to iOS 5.0, is used to provide optimal performance when using the AVCaptureOutput as an OpenGL texture. In addition, a ripple effect is applied by modifying the texture coordinates of a densely tessellated quad.


Capture, process, preview, and save video using AV Foundation using various processing pipelines.

This sample demonstrates how to use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to bring frames from the camera into various processing pipelines, including CPU-based, OpenGL (i.e. on the GPU), CoreImage filters, and OpenCV. It also demonstrates best practices for writing the processed output of these pipelines to a movie file using AVAssetWriter.

The project includes a different target for each of the different processing pipelines.

Sample Photos App

Example app using Photos framework From WWDC 2014

A basic Photos-like app which introduces the Photos framework.

  • List albums, folders and moments
  • Display the contents of the moments, or a single album
  • Display the content of a single photo or video (and allow playback in the case of a video)
  • Allow the following actions:
    • simple single-click edit of a photo
    • creating an album and adding assets to it
    • re-ordering of assets in an album
    • removing assets from an album
    • deleting assets and albums
    • (un)hiding an asset from moments
    • favoriting an asset


SquareCam demonstrates improvements to the AVCaptureStillImageOutput class in iOS 5, highlighting the following features:

  • KVO observation of the @"capturingStillImage" property to know when to perform an animation - Use of setVideoScaleAndCropFactor: to achieve a "digital zoom" effect on captured images - Switching between front and back cameras while showing a real-time preview - Integrating with CoreImage's new CIFaceDetector to find faces in a real-time VideoDataOutput, as well as in a captured still image. Found faces are indicated with a red square. - Overlaid square is rotated appropriately for the 4 supported device rotations.

Note: This sample will not deliver any camera output on the iOS simulator.


A simple AVFoundation demonstration of how timed metadata can be used to identify different content in a stream, supporting a custom seek UI.


StopNGo is a simple stop-motion animation QuickTime movie recorder that uses AVFoundation.

It creates a AVCaptureSession, AVCaptureDevice, AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer, and AVCaptureStillImageOutput to preview and capture still images from a video capture device, then re-times each sample buffer to a frame rate of 5 fps and writes frames to disk using AVAssetWriter.

A frame rate of 5 fps means that 5 still images will result in a 1 second long movie. This value is hard coded in the sample but may be changed as required.

UIImagePicker Video Recorder

Demonstrates how to create a custom UI for the camera variant of the UIImagePickerController and how to programmatically control video recording.


From AVFoundation Tutorial: Adding Overlays and Animations to Videos

This AVFoundation tutorial will build upon that by teaching all you budding video editors how to add the following effects to your videos:

  • Colored borders with custom sizes.
  • Multiple overlays.
  • Text for subtitles or captions.
  • Tilt effects.
  • Twinkle, rotate, and fade animation effects!


This sample demonstrates temporal synchronization of video with motion data from the accelerometer and gyroscope. It also includes a class which illustrates best practices for using the AVAssetWriter API to record movies. This is based on the VideoSnake demo presented at WWDC 2012, Session 520, "What's new in Camera Capture".