
A 3D Vector class utilizing `decimal` rather than the fast `float`. Created to solve precision issues in large scale simulation.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Stores a 3D vector as decimal values. Created for usage with Unity. Non-unity Vector3Decimal coming soon.

Why? A float can only store 7 digits of precision and Vector3 uses float, limiting the precision of the vector at high magnitudes. To demonstrate:

If my minimum requirement for precision is 0.001 meters, then I can’t store numbers with values more than 7 decimal places away:

NumA is Valid: 6358.331 This number is precise to the 3rd decimal point, or in this case, it's precise to the tenth of a millimeter.

NumB is Invalid: 10223.99 This number is precise to the 2nd decimal point: not precise enough.

Notice that each of those numbers only contains 7 digits, the limit for a float. If you were to add just ~400 to the NumA, the decimal point would move one place to the left, making it invalid and only precise to the 2nd decimal point.

A decimal has 28-29 digits of precision. That’s a lot! To compare the precision of a float and a decimal, here’s some analogies.

A float can store distances of a few kilometers with precision to the millimeter.

A decimal can store distances of many SEXTILLIONS of kilometers, while maintaining precision to the millimeter.

float: XXXX.XXX


This amount of precision will allow me to simulate a unimaginably larger space.


... ...
up new Vector3Decimal(0, 1, 0)
right new Vector3Decimal(1, 0, 0)
forward new Vector3Decimal(0, 0, 1)
zero new Vector3Decimal(0, 0, 0)
ToVector3f() Vector3 from this.
Distance(Vector3Decimal a, Vector3Decimal b) Distance from a to b.
Dot() Returns the dot product as a decimal.
Cross(Vector3Decimal a, Vector3Decimal b) Cross product of a and b as a Vector3Decimal
ToString() String representation of this.

This class is dependent on DecimalMath by nathanpjones.

I have made this struct nearly completely interchangeable with the Vector3 type. Here’s an example:

void UnloadBody(Body bod)
   Vector3Decimal pos = _obs_body._global_position + bod.transform.position; // position from reference frame position + difference
   bod._global_position = pos;
   Vector3Decimal vel =  _obs_body._global_velocity + bod.physics_properties.velocity; // velocity from reference frame position + difference
   bod._global_velocity = vel;

This is an Unload() function I wrote for Stardeep. physics_properties.velocity and transform.postion are both Vector3s, but as you can see, I do arithmetic without needing to case the Vector3s.