Write thy themes in the dark. May the dark be kinder on thine eyes. (Stylus dark theme)
This is a dark theme for Stylus inspired by FT DeepDark.
Also, credit where credit is due for the color palettes down bellow. (@KDE, @horst3180, @linuxmint, Firefox, YouTube and Discord)
Theme as a userstyle here.
NOTE: This CAN work with Stylish in Google Chrome, BUT I don't support Stylish.
You can also install all my themes at once from here.
Manage page The code and the popup menu themed
NOTE: the errors are not an issue with my themes. See more info here and also on the official stylus github. A popup window example
Colors Showcase (the colors are available in the code; different colors can be used)
Code colors also change depending on the palette used. No user changes required.