Beginning his career as a painter in the 1950s, Irwin in the following decade abandoned his studio to work in nature, creating what he cast as “site-conditioned” works that responded to their surrounds, taking light, volume, and space as his materials and making the viewer’s experience of sensory phenomena his mission. His radical work profoundly influenced peers such as fellow Light and Space artists Larry Bell, Mary Corse, Keith Sonnier, and James Turrell, and artists of later generations, among them Chris Burden, Vija Celmins, and Olafur Eliasson. Many of his works, ranging from 1997’s 1° 2° 3° 4°, at the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, to untitled (dawn to dusk), 2016, at the Chinati Foundation in Marfa, Texas, instill in the viewer a sense of peace and awe. “Part of my shtick is to make you aware of how fucking beautiful the world is,” he told Artforum in 2018.” If there’s a role for art, then it’s somewhere in that realm, because we have no other real reason for it.”

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