
Angular Web application for Process Automation Manager

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular App for Red Hat Process Automation Manager

This Angular application is a starter for a custom frontend that works with the rhpam7-install-demo project to install Red Hat Process Automation Manager




This application assumes you have installed the rhpam7-install-demo on your Openshift instance

  • Run this script to deploy the application in the same project as rhpam7-install-demo


  • Import a sample process and deploy in business central from ocp-pam-process

  • After deployment you can start a process, view a process and complete tasks in the customer interface


  • Edit the KIE environment variable in the run-local.sh script to be the route to your deployed kie-server.

  • Make sure you have a nodejs runtime installed

  • Install dependencies with

npm install

  • In one terminal, start a dev build that watches source files and rebuilds automatically

npm run buildDev

  • In a separate terminal run the express server


The server will be running on http://localhost:4200 and will communicate with the kie-server running in Openshift

Additional Development Notes

  • The process variables for the deployed process container process id are in the kie-service.ts file.

  • vscode has out of the box support for Angular projects

  • If you need call any external REST services, add a proxy entry in server.js. Example: backend calls to /jsonplaceholder will be proxied. Without the proxy you will receive CORS errors.

// proxy jsonplaceholder
    target: "http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com",
    secure: false,
    changeOrigin: true,
    logLevel: 'debug',
    pathRewrite: {
      '^/jsonplaceholder': ''
  • This application is fully compatible with the angular cli to generate web components

  • The sso-scripts folder has deployment scripts that will integrate Red Hat Process Automation Manager with Red Hat Single Sign-On. The security realm can also be imported.

  • SSO is a work in progress since you can authenticate and deploy projects, but you cannot clone the internal git repository yet to export work from Openshift