
This Software Builted for Sehir University. Student can benefits from this software to create their Semester Plan.

Primary LanguagePython

Sehir University Semester Planner

This Software Builted for Sehir University. Student can benefits from this software to create their Semester Plan. Sehir University Semester Plan is like that: 1

How It Looks Like

When the program run first time it will be looks like : 2

Fetching Courses

This is Sehir University Semester Link : https://www.sehir.edu.tr/tr/duyurular/2019_2020_akademik_yili_bahar_donemi_ders_programi BeautifulSoup library will collect all the lessons, days, hours informations thanks to requests library. Copy and paste links to "Course Offering Url" entry and click to "Fetch Course" Button.

All the Courses will be Fetch and it will be shown in Listbox According to "Lesson Name , Lesson Days , Lesson Hours" 3

Adding to Selected Courses

When the Student click to lessons and if current lessons is not crash with any lessons it will be display yellow. 4

If the student add it to selected courses software add current lessons to selected courses. Moreover, every taken lessons colour will be different than each other. 5

If the student try to add crashing courses software automatically send warning to student. Also student can distinguish easily because color not will be yellow it will be red.



For Everyone