In this lab, we will practice implementing the rules for derivatives with code. This lab will review your understanding of the following:
- The power rule
- The constant factor rule
- The addition rule
As you know we can represent polynomial functions as a list of tuples.
- Each term is represented as a single tuple, for example,
$2x^3$ is expressed as(2, 3)
. - And an entire function is expressed as a list of tuples, like
$f(x)=2x^3+7x$ is expressed as[(2, 3), (7, 1)]
. - Between elements in our list, we imagine there is a plus sign. To subtract elements we simply place a negative sign before the first element in the tuple. For example,
$f(x)= x^2 - 4x$ is represented as[(1, 2), (-4, 1)]
Remember: tuples are just like lists except that they are immutable. We can access elements of a tuple just as we do a list.
two_x_cubed = (2, 3)
two_x_cubed[1] # 3
But attempting to reassign the elements of a tuple raises an error
two_x_cubed[1] = 4
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
Let's start by writing a function called find_term_derivative
that returns the derivative of a single term. The function takes the derivative of one term represented as a tuple, say find_term_derivative
should take an input of (2, 4)
and return (2, 3)
In writing find_term_derivative
, let's first consider the function
one_x_cubed = (1, 3)
def find_term_derivative(term):
find_term_derivative(one_x_cubed) # (3, 2)
Let's try the function with
two_x_squared = (2, 2)
find_term_derivative(two_x_squared) # (4, 1)
Ok, now that we have a Python function called find_derivative
that can take a derivative of a term, write a function that take as an argument our multi-termed function, and return the derivative of the multi-term function represented as a list of tuples.
For example, if the derivative of a function find_derivative
should return [(2, 3), (4, 2)]
Imagine that a plus sign separates each of our terms. Again, if we need a negative term, then we add a minus sign to the first element of the tuple.
Let's apply this function to
def find_derivative(function_terms):
four_x_cubed_minus_three_x = [(4, 3), (-3, 1)]
find_derivative(four_x_cubed_minus_three_x) # [(12, 2), (-3, 0)]
One gotcha to note is when one of our terms is a constant, when taking the derivative, the constant is removed. For example, when find_derivative
function should return, using filter
, only the terms whose derivatives are not multiplied by zero.
three_x_squared_minus_eleven = [(3, 2), (-11, 0)]
find_derivative(three_x_squared_minus_eleven) # [(6, 1)]
Our next function is called, derivative_at
which, when provided a list of terms and a value
# Feel free to use the output_at function in solving this
# def output_at(list_of_terms, x_value):
# outputs = list(map(lambda term: term_output(term, x_value), list_of_terms))
# return sum(outputs)
from calculus import output_at
def derivative_at(terms, x):
find_derivative(three_x_squared_minus_eleven) # [(6, 1)]
derivative_at(three_x_squared_minus_eleven, 2) # 12
Now that we have done the work of calculating the derivatives, we can begin to show the derivatives of functions with Plotly. We have plotted derivatives previously, but we have need to consider
First, let's take our derivative_at
function, and use that in the tangent_line
function below to display this calculation. The derivative_at
a point on our function equals the slope of the tangent line, so we use the function to generate a tangent_line
trace with the function below.
from calculus import output_at
def tangent_line(function_terms, x_value, line_length = 4):
x_minus = x_value - line_length
x_plus = x_value + line_length
y = output_at(function_terms, x_value)
## here, we are using your function
deriv = derivative_at(function_terms, x_value)
y_minus = y - deriv * line_length
y_plus = y + deriv * line_length
return {'x': [x_minus, x_value, x_plus], 'y': [y_minus, y, y_plus]}
from graph import plot
from plotly.offline import iplot, init_notebook_mode
from calculus import derivative_trace, function_values_trace
tangent_at_five_trace = tangent_line(three_x_squared_minus_eleven, 5, line_length = 4)
three_x_squared_minus_eleven_trace = function_values_trace(three_x_squared_minus_eleven, list(range(-10, 10)))
plot([three_x_squared_minus_eleven_trace, tangent_at_five_trace])
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-cb6a7e666b01> in <module>()
----> 9 tangent_at_five_trace = tangent_line(three_x_squared_minus_eleven, 5, line_length = 4)
10 three_x_squared_minus_eleven_trace = function_values_trace(three_x_squared_minus_eleven, list(range(-10, 10)))
11 plot([three_x_squared_minus_eleven_trace, tangent_at_five_trace])
<ipython-input-10-3b1920a25d71> in tangent_line(function_terms, x_value, line_length)
7 ## here, we are using your function
8 deriv = derivative_at(function_terms, x_value)
----> 9 y_minus = y - deriv * line_length
10 y_plus = y + deriv * line_length
11 return {'x': [x_minus, x_value, x_plus], 'y': [y_minus, y, y_plus]}
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'int'
We can also write a function that given a list of terms can plot the derivative across multiple values. After all, the derivative is just a function. For example, when function_values_trace
from calculus import function_values_trace
three_x_squared_minus_eleven = [(3, 2), (-11, 0)]
function_values_trace(three_x_squared_minus_eleven, list(range(-5, 5)))
This is what function_values_trace looks like:
def function_values_trace(list_of_terms, x_values):
function_values = list(map(lambda x: output_at(list_of_terms, x),x_values))
return trace_values(x_values, function_values, mode = 'line')
def derivative_function_trace(terms, x_values):
three_x_squared_minus_eleven_derivative_trace = derivative_function_trace(three_x_squared_minus_eleven, list(range(-5, 5)))
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-a14b3e4a33cd> in <module>()
----> 1 three_x_squared_minus_eleven_derivative_trace
NameError: name 'three_x_squared_minus_eleven_derivative_trace' is not defined
So now that we can plot a nonlinear function with our function_values_trace
and plot that function's derivative with the derivative_function_trace
trace, we can now plot these traces side by side:
from plotly import tools
import plotly
import plotly.plotly as py
from graph import make_subplots
def side_by_side_derivative_rules(list_of_terms, x_values):
function_trace = function_values_trace(list_of_terms, x_values)
derivative_trace = derivative_function_trace(list_of_terms, x_values)
if derivative_trace and function_trace:
return make_subplots([function_trace], [derivative_trace])
Here we'll do that with
from graph import plot_figure
side_by_side_three_x_squared_minus_eleven = side_by_side_derivative_rules(three_x_squared_minus_eleven, list(range(-5, 5)))
if side_by_side_three_x_squared_minus_eleven:
Note that when the