Its an NFT project made for the Atom Dao Bounty and the simpler version of this is the winner of that bounty. You can checkout the project HERE
Merkle-Tree NFT Whitelisting uses the ERC721 based contract to generate NFTs and Merkle Tree helps to keep the record of Whitelisted Address
git clone
Make sure You have NPM and NODEJS installed with their path setup
cd hardhat-nft npm install
Here the hardhat project will install the dependencies
now you can open the
You will See
You can edit script or add account in leaves which you wanted to use in Merkle Tree
Make a .env file in folder and add your account Private Key and API key
Goerli_Api_Key =<api url>
Goerli_Private_Key =<Your private key>
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby
Take the ABI code from
and contract address from your terminal
paste in
Run npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby
cd .. cd nft-next-app
npm install
GO TO NFT-whitelisting/nft-next-app/pages/index.js
change the addresses variable in both
mintNFT and checkVerification function
then run npm run dev
and open your local host at port 3000
npm run dev
and open port 3000 of local host
- Connect your metamast account
- click on Veriry Account
- If you have Account in the merkle tree Then
- Account will verify and you will get a button to mint nft
- Click on Mint Nft
- Confirm the Transaction from your metamask extension
And Congrats You have succesfully minted your NFT.