Project with Tsinghua University Department of Biomedical Engineering

Primary LanguageMATLAB

1. Set matlab working directory to the Folder where Neuracle_data_process is kept (eg. eeg test). It is not necessary to change other directory names in the file. 
2. If running code for the first time on a new laptop, run eeglab in matlab console to add necessary paths. 
3. Add 'data process' folder to Path.

1. Keep data to be analysed in the data folder (2 layers) - first is for different subjects (eg. S1 contains all the files for children 1), second is for different data from the same subject (eg. 1 and 2 are data from the the same child). 
2. File names are not important, except for the Folder containing the data to be analysed, which must be named 'data'.

1. Results will be saved in a new Folder (eg. results dd-mm-yyyy hh-mm) under working directory