
Project class digram

Api documentation


endpoint method payload description
/api/level POST {description:string, maxScore: int, minScore: int} create a level
/api/level/{id} GET - find level by id
/api/level/{id} PUT {description:string, maxScore: int, minScore: int} edit a level
/api/level GET - get all levels


endpoint method payload description
/api/level POST {title:string, parend_id: int} create a subject
/api/subject/{id} GET - find subject by id
/api/subject/{id} PUT {title:string, parent_id: int} edit a subject
/api/level GET - get all subjects


endpoint method payload description
/api/question POST {responseNbr:int, correctResponseNbr: int, questionText: string, type: string, totalScore: double, subject_id: int, level_id: int, medias: Array{name:string, type: string}} create a question
/api/question/{id} GET - find question by id
/api/question/{id} PUT {responseNbr:int, correctResponseNbr: int, questionText: string, type: string, totalScore: double, subject_id: int, level_id: int, medias: Array{name:string, type: string}} edit question
/api/question GET - get all questions
/api/question/{id} DELETE - delete question by id


endpoint method payload description
/api/test POST {successScore: double, canViewAnswers: double, showFinalResults: boolean, numberOfChances: int, remarks: string, trainer_id: int} create a Test
/api/test GET - final all Tests
/api/test/{id} GET - final specific id
/api/test/{id} PUT {successScore: double, canViewAnswers: double, showFinalResults: boolean, numberOfChances: int, remarks: string, trainer_id: int} edit specific Test
/api/test/{id} DELETE - delete a specific test


endpoint method payload description
/api/response POST {response: int, point: double, question_id: int} create a response and assigned to a question
/api/response/{id} PUT {response: int, point: double, question_id: int} edit a specific response
/api/response/{id} GET - find a speicifc response by id


endpoint method payload description
/api/student POST {firstName: string, lastName: string, birthday: localDate, address: string, dateOfInscription: localDate} create a student
/api/student GET - get all students
/api/student/{id} GET - get a specific student by id
/api/student/{id} PUT {firstName: string, lastName: string, birthday: localDate, address: string, dateOfInscription: localDate} edit a specific student
/api/student/{id} DELETE - delete a specific student


endpoint method payload description
/api/trainer POST {firstName: string, lastName: string, birthday: localDate, address: string} create a trainer
/api/trainer GET - get all trainers
/api/trainer/{id} GET - get a specific trainer by id
/api/trainer/{id} PUT {firstName: string, lastName: string, birthday: localDate, address: string} edit a specific trainer
/api/trainer/{id} DELETE - delete a specific trainer


endpoint method payload description
/api/assignQuiz POST [{score: double, played: int, reason: string, result: string, debutDate: localDateTime, endDate: localDateTime, student_id: int, quiz_id: int}] create an assignquiz for one or multiple student
/api/assignQuiz GET - get all assignedQuiz
/api/assignQuiz/{id} GET - get specific assigned quiz
/api/assignQuiz/{id} PUT {score: double, played: int, reason: string, result: string, debutDate: localDateTime, endDate: localDateTime, student_id: int, quiz_id: int} update a specific assigned quiz
/api/assignQuiz/{id} DELELTE - delete a specific quiz