
Human chromosome ontology

Primary LanguageRuby

Human Chromosome Ontology

The Human Chromosome Ontology (HCO) provides simple and stable URIs for human reference genome versions to semantically identify human chromosomes.

Basic class hco:HumanChromosome is inherited by each chromosome class such as hco:21 and hco:GenomeBuild is inherited by each build version such as hco:GRCh38. Then, for example, the human chromosome 21 of the GRCh38 version is represented as hco:21\/GRCh38 (http://identifiers.org/hco/21/GRCh38) which is defined as an instance of hco:21 with build version hco:GRCh38. Each instance of a chromosome has links to external resources such as INSDC, RefSeq, UCSC etc. so that users can be navigated to the chromosome sequence and its annotations.

        rdfs:label      "Human chromosome 21" ;
        rdfs:subClassOf hco:HumanChromosome .

        rdf:type        hco:21 ;
        hco:build       hco:GRCh38 ;
        hco:length      46709983 ;
        skos:altLabel   "GPC_000001313" ;
        hco:insdc       <http://identifiers.org/insdc/CM000683.2> ;
        hco:refseq      <http://identifiers.org/refseq/NC_000021.9> ;
        hco:ucsc        <http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=hg38&position=chr21> ;
        hco:ensembl     <http://rdf.ebi.ac.uk/resource/ensembl/homo_sapiens/GRCh38/21> ,
                        <http://www.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Location/Chromosome?r=21> .

Also, hco:Cytoband is inherited by each cytoband class such as hco:21q11.2 and an instance of it such as hco:21q11.2\/GRCh38 has the FALDO location on a chromosome and hco:bandtype such as hco:Gneg which stands for a nonstaining G-negative light band.

        rdfs:label      "21q11.2" ;
        rdfs:subClassOf hco:Cytoband .

        rdf:type        hco:21q11.2 ;
        hco:build       hco:GRCh38 ;
        hco:bandtype    hco:Gneg ;
        faldo:location  [
                rdf:type         faldo:Region ;
                faldo:begin      [
                        rdf:type         faldo:BothStrandsPosition ;
                        faldo:position   13000000 ;
                        faldo:reference  hco:21\/GRCh38
                ] ;
                faldo:end        [
                        rdf:type         faldo:BothStrandsPosition ;
                        faldo:position   15000000 ;
                        faldo:reference  hco:21\/GRCh38
        ] .

Update procedure

To create the latest version of the ontology, first obtain the cytoBand data from UCSC and convert the data into RDF/Turtle.

$ curl http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/cytoBand.txt.gz | gzip -dc - > cytoBand-GRCh37.txt
$ curl http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/database/cytoBand.txt.gz | gzip -dc - > cytoBand-GRCh38.txt
$ ruby cytoBand2ttl.rb > cytoBand.ttl

Then, concatenate the header part of the ontology with the cytoBand data.

$ cat hco_head.ttl cytoBand.ttl > hco.tmp

Finallly, expand hco:X\/GRChXX into <http://identifiers.org/hco/X/GRChXX> for avoiding a triple store to treat it as <http://identifiers.org/hco/X\/GRChXX> (some triple store such as Virtuoso has an option to relax syntax rules for loading invalid data that sometimes causes further problem even for valid data).

$ rapper -i turtle -o turtle hco.tmp > hco.ttl
