
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/google-api-adwords-js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AdWords API JavaScript Client Library

Google's AdWords API service lets developers design computer programs that
interact directly with the AdWords platform. With these applications,
advertisers and third parties can more efficiently--and creatively--manage
their large or complex AdWords accounts and campaigns.

The AdWords API JavaScript Client Library makes it easier to write javascript
clients (web pages, browser extensions, Gadgets) to programmatically access
AdWords accounts. One of the main features of this client library is that it
hides the SOAP layer from end user, which makes it much easier to interact
with the API.

The fundamental XML manipulations are based in the Closure library.
On top of it, the library handles all the serialization/de-serialization and
transport of entities defined in the AdWords API WSDLs.

Different transport mechanisms are offered and can be configured via the
HttpWebTransport configuration property inside config.js file. Refer to the
"Transport mechanisms" section in this file for more information.

The AdWords API JavaScript Client Library currently supports versions v201003,
v201008, v201101 and v201109 of the AdWords API, and can be used in the
Production or Sandbox environments.

Code examples, located in "js/adwordsapi/examples", demonstrate some examples of
using client library.

The client library includes a set of unit tests located along with the source
files and based on Closure testing framework. All unit tests are (and should be)
executed against Sandbox environment. Whenever changes are made to the client
library, the appropriate unit test should be executed to make sure that
everything is working as intended and no new bugs were introduced.

Step-by-step guide for getting started:

This is a simple guide that teach you how to configure the library to run its

1) You'll need to have a web server capable of running PHP, we recommend you
use Apache Http Server (http://httpd.apache.org/). It is outside the scope of
this guide to explain how to install the Apache Web Server and PHP.

2) Un-package the library in a folder that is shared by your web server. On
a most default installations of Apache on Linux that folder would be /var/www.
For the purpose of this short guide we are going to assume your installation
folder is /var/www/awapi-js-lib.

3) Un-package the Closure library, which comes with the library. It is located
inside the js folder named closure.zip, after un-packaging it you should have
a folder js/closure in it, that contains all Closure library files.

4) Point your browser to http://<your server address>/awapi-js-lib/ (assuming
your server is installed in the default port 80).

5) Click on any of the examples and enjoy!

Transpost mechanisms

Along with the library a set of transport implementations are provided to allow
you develop against the library on different enviroments. The transport in use
is configured through the js/adwordsapi/src/config.js file by its
HttpWebTransport property. Some transports require extra settings that get
configured via its HttpWebTransportSettings property.

This is the list of currently shipped transport implementations:

- google.system.net.HttpWebTransportForServerProxy

This is the default transport mechanism to be used by regular web applications,
it uses an intermediate proxy end-point to route API calls to Google AdWords API
servers. Along with this JavaScript implementation a proxy.php file is provided
that contains the logic to route all requests to authorized servers.

This transport uses the HttpWebTransportSettings property in the config.js to
allow you setup the location (ProxyUrl) of the proxy.php file in your servier.
If you have installed the library in a location other than /awapi-js-lib then
you would need to modify this property in your config.js file.

- google.system.net.HttpWebTransportForGadgetsApi

Uses Google Gadgets (http://code.google.com/apis/gadgets/index.html)
infrastructure to route API requests.

No extra configuration for this transport is required if you are running your
code inside the Google Gadgets hosted environment.

- google.system.net.HttpWebTransportForExtensions

When writing code for a browser extension there is no need of an intermediate
proxy and calls can be done directly from the code to the AdWords API servers.

No extra configuration is required for this transport, but keep in mind that
every extension environment has different ways to specify authorized URLs which
your extension can make calls against. For example in a Chrome Extension
a permissions configuration must be given inside the manifest.json of your
extension and that configuration will look like:

  "name": "<YOUR EXTENSION NAME>",
  "version": "1.0",
  "description": "YOUR EXTENSION DESC",
  "browser_action": {
    "default_icon": "<YOUR EXTENSION ICON>",
  "permissions": [
    // Here you include the endpoint of every API service your code is
    // going to call.

The Library and the Closure compiler

The library comes with two forms of scripts: closure dependencies only files and
compiled files. In the first case the browser will load on demand the files that
are needed, which potentially decreases the amount of code to be transfered but
increases the latency on requiring every file to be downloaded separately.
In the second case the inclusion of the compiled scripts will effectively
download all the necessary code decreasing the latency but potentially
increasing the amount of code to be downloaded and never used.

We recommend you use the dependency only files while on development so you can a
have a friendly debugging view of the files and then switch to the compiled
versions when running your code in production since the compiled code has been
optimized and minified to reduce the size of download, but which causes the
debugging to be really hard.

To start using the library with the dependency only files, you need to include
the following in your web page:

<script src="<YOUR INSTALLATION PATH>/js/closure/goog/base.js"></script>
<script src="<YOUR INSTALLATION PATH>/js/adwordsapi/src/awapi.js"></script>
<script src="<YOUR INSTALLATION PATH>/js/adwordsapi/src/config.js"></script>

To start using the compiled versions,  you need to include the following in your
web page:

<script src="<YOUR INSTALLATION PATH>/js/compiled/awapi.js"></script>
<script src="<YOUR INSTALLATION PATH>/js/compiled/v201008.js"></script>
<script src="<YOUR INSTALLATION PATH>/js/compiled/config.js"></script>

See js/compiled/README for more details.

Alternative with the library we provide a set of compilation scripts
(based in the Closure compiler) that you can customize to generate your own
compiled and minified version of the library along with your code if required.

In order to use the compilation scripts you require to have Python and Java
installed. See tools/scripts/build.sh for more information on compiling your own

Where do I submit bug reports and/or feature requests?

Use the issue tracker at


External Dependencies:

Google Closure library http://code.google.com/closure/ - Included in the js

    anash.p.ommen (Anash P. Oommen)
    david.t (David Torres)