Given a directory that contains a mix of artifacts, sort the artifacts by extension groups but keep subdirectory structure.
If we start with:
And use extension groups: foo,FOO and baz
We end up with the following under our destination directory:
The foo subdirectory (first entry in foo extension group) contains all files that had extensions listed in the foo extension group under their original subdirectory structure relative to the sort directory root. So foo subdirectory contains foo and FOO files.
baz subdirectory contains all .baz files.
other directory contains files that did not match any of our extension groups.
The original directory is untouched.
One of the Amazon Prime perks is to be able to back up any pictures to their cloud for free. But what if you stored all your media files in a date-oriented structure that mixes pictures with movies and other artifacts?
Use extension-sorter!
Extension sorter requires three arguments:
- --sortDir - this is the source dir that contains the files we want to sort.
- --destDir - the destination directory where the artifacts will be stored sorted.
- --ext - (one or more sets of these). Comma separated list(s) of extension groups to be sorted into the same subdirectory. The very first entry is also used as the subdirectory name.
The following command
java -jar ~/extsorter.jar --sortDir media --destDir sorted \
--ext jpg,tif,JPG,CR2,png,gif,GIF,PNG,cr2,jpeg \
--ext zip,ZIP \
--ext mov,m4v,MOV,MPG,avi,wmv \
--ext wav,WAV \
sorts all files in the media subdirectory (relative to where the command is run from) into the sorted subdirectory. Under sorted we will have:
sorted/jpg - contains all .jpg,tif,JPG,CR2,png,gif,GIF,PNG,cr2,jpeg files
sorted/zip - contains all .zip or .ZIP files
sorted/mov - contains all .mov,m4v,MOV,MPG,avi,wmv files
sorted/wav - contains all .wav or .WAV files
sorted/other - any files with extensions not in one of our extension groups, for example .doc, .bin or .txt.
The original subdirectory for every file relative to media is maintained. So
will end up in
Extension-sorter uses Java to run and sbt to build. See Java JDK 7 downloads for Java and SBT Installation Instructions on how to install SBT.
Once installed, run:
git clone
cd extension-sorter
sbt assembly
cp target/scala-2.11/extension-sorter-assembly-1.0.jar ~/extsorter.jar
This first clones the extension-sorter git repo to extension-sorter and then builds a uber/fat jar with all required dependencies at target/scala-2.11/extension-sorter-assembly-1.0.jar. We copy that file to our home directory as extsorter.jar.
The main class that gets run is com.uebercomputing.extsort.Sorter. The sbt assembly plugin marked that as Main-Class in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF:
Main-Class: com.uebercomputing.extsort.Sorter
So we can execute that class via our executable jar:
java -jar ~/extsorter.jar --sortDir <sortDir> --destDir <destDir> --ext <comma-separated extensions1> --ext <extensions2>