designory. Front End Developer - Take Home Test Boilerplate

Convert the attached PDF comp - Designory-Project.pdf - to a webpage using the following guidelines:

  • Give a detailed explanation of why you coded it the way you did
  • No CSS frameworks
  • Please use a CSS pre-processor (ie, Sass/SCSS)
  • Please make responsive as best you can, mobile first
  • ZIP the resulting HTML, CSS, and JS files (where applied) when sending the finished product. If using this boilerplate, running npm run build will generate this ZIP file for you.

What is this Boilerplate?

This is a sample NodeJS project that has already been configured to give you Sass compilation, Babel transpilation, and browser hot-reloads out of the box.

Installation Instructions

Installing this boilerplate assumes you already have NodeJS and npm installed and configured on your machine.

Install all npm modules via:

npm ci
# alternatively,
# npm install

Then simply run npm run dev to start developing!

Save all of your work within the src/ folder. The dist/ folder is ignored from the repository.


Uses the following libraries:

  • sass - SCSS compilation.
  • babel - JavaScript ESNext to ES5 compilation.
  • cpx - Copies source HTML file to dist/ directory.
  • Browersersync - Development server with live-reloading.
  • concurrently - Enables all build scripts (styles, scripts, views, serve) to be run at the same time.

NPM Scripts

Script Description
npm run build Compiles sources files and ZIPs both built and source files.
npm run watch Compiles source files and watches for changes.
npm run serve Starts the development server (with hot reloading).
npm run dev Compiles source files, watches for changes, and starts development server.