
Sorts Bukkit plugins by number of downloads

Primary LanguageJava


Sorts Bukkit plugins by number of downloads.

scrapes the plugin list on the dev.bukkit.org page, then

Outputs a basic html table in a file named after the plugin page it scrapes.

eg for listing mature releases, it produces Mature.html

  • Uses jsoup to get and manipulate the html

  • uses threads to parallellise (and therefore speed up from a crawl) the retrieval of pages.

Requires JSoup 1.7.2 and JDK 1.6 (uses 1.6's File class for hard disk io, which is redesigned in 1.7)


javac -cp jsoup-1.7.2.jar:. BukkitPluginSorter.java


to get a list of mature-stage projects sorted by downloads:

java -cp jsoup-1.7.2.jar:. BukkitPluginSorter m

to get a list of release-stage projects sorted by downloads (warning: very slow, takes ~10 minutes to get ~6800 plugins due to bukkit's site)

java -cp jsoup-1.7.2.jar:. BukkitPluginSorter m