
Vim plugin to ease navigation of Lift projects

Primary LanguageVim Script



To install liftweb-vim:

  • Copy liftweb.vim from autoload/ to ~/.vim/autoload/.
  • Copy liftweb.vim from plugin/ to ~/.vim/plugin/.
  • Copy liftweb.txt from doc/ to ~/.vim/doc/.
  • Open vim and then run :helptags ~/.vim/doc

Then, once you've opened a scala file, liftweb.vim will be loaded for the session. The commands will only work if you are in a file that has been detected to be in a Lift project.


A plugin for vim to ease navigation for projects that use the Lift Scala web framework. Heavily inspired by the awesome that is Tim Pope's rails.vim (at http://rails.vim.tpope.net/) .

Currently provides a few commands:

  • :Lmodel, Lsnippet, Lactor, Lcomet -- all take a class name and take you to the appropriate associated file
  • :Lview -- takes a class name and takes you to the appropriate view file
  • :Lspec or :Ltest -- when called from a class (e.g., GroupSnip), takes you to the associated test file (GroupSnipTest)
  • :Lclass -- the opposite of Lspec, takes you to the class for the current test

Lmodel and family can take a class name (without .scala) or file name (with .scala). Lview can likewise take a view name with or without .html. All of these functions have proper completion built-in, including alternatives (e.g., if there is a view index.html and a static/index.html, Lview will complete on both and lets you switch between them using ).

Lmodel and family, when completing, take into account potential suffixes. For example, when completing on Group, Lmodel looks for Group.scala or GroupModel.scala; Lcomet looks for Group.scala or GroupComet.scala; Lactor looks for Group.scala or GroupActor.scala; and Lsnippet looks for Group.scala, GroupSnip.scala, or GroupSnippet.scala.

The semantics for Lview are also different than the other commands. Lview will recursively search for a file with the given name, while Lmodel and family will only look in the immediate package (model/ for Lmodel, snippet/ for Lsnippet, etc). Note that the completion for Lmodel and family will search recursively, but the command itself will not. So running Lmodel Group will only open Group.scala, but running Lmodel Group will complete Group.scala, GroupModel.scala, subpackage/Group.scala, subpackage/GroupModel.scala, and so on.

Possibly forthcoming will be a broad recursive search for any appropriately-named file if you pass an argument to Lclass, Lspec, or Ltest.

Note that the plugin assumes a standard directory layout of:

      <view files>

The project package is generally autodetected from the project root as well as from src/ and any subdirectory of test/ and main/ . Better package detection code is on the to-do list.


This plugin is copyright me, Antonio Salazar Cardozo, and licensed under the same terms as Vim proper. No warranties are made, express or implied.

I’m currently working on OpenStudy, a product designed to help students help each other in their studying.

I have a rather sporadically updated blog at http://shadowfiend.posterous.com/