APIs should be first level citizens
- Reason
- Wrapper
- Abstraction
Do you have an issue?
If you don't experience the need to solve this problem your self, don't expect to be able to know how to properly solve it.
- You have to experience it yourself
- Build it for you
We are all consenting adults.
Adults should behave like adults and be trusted to behave accordingly.
- Start with a wrapper of the API
- Expose all the functionality
- Don't hide methods or variables
- Prepare for change
- Make use of the API docs
These libraries are going to be used by other people, they may not be visual tools but are none the less interfaces that should be easy for a human to understand.
These tools should be ergonomic.
- If justifiable abstract from your wrapper - i.e. if the underlaying code is complex, layer your API
- Simplify the wrapper API - i.e. "Hello World" in three lines
- Provide sane defaults
Keep these in mind as you go along.
- Don't repeat yourself, don't re-invent the wheel
- Kill the megamoth - avoid mega monolithic methods
- No Smurf names - if multiple names begin with the same word, remove it
- Are you having fun?
- The API is all that matters (to the end user)
- Use the de facto core lib - e.g. python requests for all things HTTP
- http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/writing/style/
- http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2012/07/new-programming-jargon.html
- http://wynnnetherland.com/journal/what-makes-a-good-api-wrapper
- https://speakerdeck.com/u/pengwynn/p/json-and-the-apinauts
- https://speakerdeck.com/kennethreitz/api-driven-development
- https://speakerdeck.com/holman/open-source-misfeasance