
My RnD of Beeskie for W10M 15063 & Andromeda builds! PoC. .NET 2 magic

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Beeskie v0.7.5 (experimental) - fluent branch

My RnD of Beeskie, modern uwp app for BlueSky social network. The main gool is to do Beeskie's src code W10M-compatible via very non-trivial "special mechanics".

Intro ("Preface of research")

A few days ago I found Beeskie project. It is a free and open source third-party app for Bluesky. The app is currently in public beta. However, you can (may) download Beeskie (Beta) on Microsoft Store just at now. The Beeskie's author Daniel from Jenius Apps, great developer of many cool apps such as Ambie Sounds. All is really cool, but I detected one great problem: all Daniel's projects are good only for x86/x64 "PC architecture". No ARM (mobile) compatibility. I decided to research & fix this deal a liitle :) So, my goal is to "partially adapt" Beeskie's code to sweet old lost broken cancelled Windows 10 Mobile OS. I focused only on "max. versions" of W10M - builds 15063 and above.


I quickly researched Beeskie's solution structure. It consists of 3 .net-standard 2.0-based "modules" (projects) and 2 uwp-based ones (min. win os build = 17xxx or even 18xxx). I changed 17xxx to 16299, and symplified code a little to support 16299. Ok, what else? Yesterday I accidentally came across an anomaly in the code of the Beeskie analogue called Uni Sky. I suddenly discovered that a developer with the nickname WamWooWam uses some secret mechanics to launch projects compiled for 16299 and net 2.0 on winphones! I couldn't believe my eyes and created an issue. The man replied to me (for which I thank him very much!) that I need to read this gist. I researched this random find, and so I decided to try to apply this secret knowledge to the Beeskie project. Result: yea, it works/ operates!!! Mama mia :)

Tech/dev details

  • Platforms: UWP only
  • Targets: x86; x64; ARM (and ARM64 potentially)
  • OSes: Windows 10 (Mobile)
  • Win. SDK used: 19041
  • Min. Win. OS build: tecnically 16299 / really 15063 !

Status / my 2 cents

  • Original 0.7.5 cloned 90 % ("as is")m UI not adapted to mobile mode
  • Min. win sdk downshifted to 16299
  • Draft. Prototype / Pre-Pre-Pre-Alpha version. Still exploring modern-ui & mvvm "magic"...
  • Some common tools experiments / patches
  • I fixing app crash(ing) after start.
  • I detected that ShellPage & control "15063-compatibility" mismatch still there (app crashes exactly on start!)
  • I create Wiki with "How to use .NET Standard 2.0 under UWP <= 10.0.15063" item.


  • Fix bugs (app start fail, etc.)
  • Use some telemetry to "emulate" app debug
  • Adapt UI to mobile



MIT License


AS IS. No support. RnD only / DIY


[m][e] December 2024