
A clean way to handle custom configuration values in any Ruby app

Primary LanguageRuby


Don't read ENV variables during runtime - read them once during startup.

App with messy setup made it hard to comprehend:

  • does it use the dot-env file ENV variable?
  • does it use the Docker ENV variable?
  • does it use the server set ENV variable?
  • what is the load order of initializers?

Don't add another dependency (that makes the app behave differently in dev & test vs production)

No need to set ENV variables in development (or test) that might be set in (Docker or the server) on the CI stage and the production stage.


The file config/settings.rb contains the (default) settings for development and test environment.

  • Explain settings.rb
    • start with .register method only
    • mention where ENV variables could be set
    • mention settings.rb is loaded on the top of config/environment.rb
    • extract .set to demonstrate local overwrite
    • demonstrate different default values
    • explain reasoning for .is?
    • demonstrate .is?
    • show specs

Overwrite settings locally

When you need to overwrite the default values, you have two options.


Either add those lines to a config/settings.local.rb file with the following syntax:

Settings.set :db_username, "username_on_my_machine"
Settings.set :db_password, "password_on_my_machine"

set ENV variables

This file is listed in .gitignore so you won't accidentally publish your secrets.

Or you set ENV variables on your machine - like you would do on the production server or in a docker file:

export DB_USERNAME='username_on_my_machine'
export DB_PASSWORD='password_on_my_machine'

How to use the values

Anywhere in your app call Settings.db_username.

If you have a typo here or try to access an un-registered variable, your app will raise a helpful error message:

NoMethodError: undefined method 'dbu_sername' for Settings:Class

Bonus: the usage of configuration variable is easily grep-able

Set values during runtime

In case the value of an ENV variable is not available during startup:

  • register it without default value (it will contain nil)
  • set the value once the information is available

Settings vs Rails' Current vs Rails.application.configure

You could use

Settings.register :global_variable
Settings.set, :global_variable, "my current value"

and effectively emulate Rails' Current functionality.

To ensure config keys are not registered twice, add a guard clause to the register method:

  raise "Settings.#{var_name} has already been registered" if singleton_methods(false).include?(var_name)

But it is strongly discouraged to use the .set method to change the value repeatedly at runtime. The Settings object should be used for configuration that is usually stable during the life-time of your app between boots.

It should therefore be compared to the Rails.application.configure mechanism. This is in fact similar. Though it uses method_missing and does therefore not complain about typos when trying to access a value.

And it is baked into Rails. You can not easily port it to your other non-Rails apps.