
Make sure you have node and npm installed. You can get them both bundled together with the nodejs installer for windows or mac for free.

After cloning the repository, open a command line, go to directory you cloned the repository to and run npm install.

Build & watch

During development use npm run watch (once) to build the project and start watching for changes.

npm run serve will start a local webserver on http://localhost:8085 so that you can preview your changes.


You are now ready to work on your task. To make things easier for you, we have prepared:

  • Basic layout (header & footer), text, list and grid CSS classes (see src/node_modules/page~global/styles/)
  • LESS variables you can re-use (/src/styles/global/)
  • Boilerplate package for the article component (src/node_modules/component~article)
  • Icon classes you can use (src/node_modules/page~global/styles/icons.less)