
The fastest and easiest to use Discord username sniper, all for free.

GhaphSniper - Discord Username Sniper

The fastest and easiest to use Discord sniper, all for free. This is the free version of my sniper, if you want to buy the paid version you can here

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  • Many concurrent claim tokens, rotating in order to avoid any rate limits
  • Can snipe thousands of usernames concurrently, but 1-20 is recommended (read disclaimer below for more info)
  • Many concurrent captcha accounts with automatic balance/key checking & handling
  • Proxy support if you want to claim at the fastest speed
  • Customizable thread count
  • Discord webhook logs (see below for pictures)


1) Download the latest build here and put it in it's own folder

2) Create 3 files: tokens.txt, proxies.txt, usernames.txt. Each item in each text file is seperated by a new line. The token format must be email:pass:token or pass:token. The proxy format must be user:pass@ip:port or ip:port.

3) Start the program, it will create your config.json for you.

4) Fill out the config and re run the program and it will automatically start claiming. If you're getting config errors on startup, paste it into here so it can tell you what's wrong with your config.

Once a username is claimed, it will appear in claimed.txt in the following format: username:email:pass:token

Supported captcha services


Claim log:

Captcha balance warning:

Example Config

Example config with many different captcha services that'll rotate on each solve to spread the load across them:

    "threads": 1,
    "captcha_verbose": false,
    "webhook_url": "Your Discord Webhook",
    "captcha_services": [
            "service_name": "capmonster",
            "use_proxy": false
            "service_name": "capsolver",
            "use_proxy": true
            "service_name": "anticaptcha",
            "use_proxy": false


This is not an autoclaimer, this tool should only be used for swapping usernames or when you know a username will drop soon (like when a username is just recently changed) because this will eat up your captcha balance.