
Code for the project: "Audio-Driven Video-Synthesis of Personalised Moderations"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Make your own digital avatars.

Project Details

This repo contains the code of the project: Audio Driven Video Synthesis Of Personalized Moderations.

Check out the project's scope and details on our website.

Table of Contents

  1. Demo Description
  2. Available Models
    1. Neural Voice Puppetry
    2. Motion GAN
  3. Data
  4. Usage
    1. Train New Avatars
    2. Inference for NeuralVoicePuppertry Model
    3. Inference for MotionGan Model
    4. Build and Run Docker Containers
    5. API Usage

Demo Description

This tool allows you to generate your own deepfake avatar video.

  • Provide a short video and train your own avatars.

  • Pick an avatar from our available collection, record your own audio snippet and wait for the automated process to complete. After a few minutes, your deepfake avatar video can be found in the gallery.

Available Models

You can find here the code for the two pipelines implemented during this project:

  • Neural Voice Puppetry
  • Motion GAN

More details for each pipeline can be found in the respective READMEs.

Neural Voice Puppetry


Motion GAN



If you plan on using this code with the already available and pre-trained moderators, you will only have to provide the audio data. Otherwise provide both audio and video.

Please follow these instructions on data quality:

  • Audio
    • Provide a recording of a person speaking (audio of any duration is accepted).
    • The cleaner the audio signal the better: audio with background noise will result in unmatching lip-sync.
    • Avoid recording multiple people talking: the model is unable to distinguish between multiple voice signals.
  • Video
    • Provide a video of your desired avatar character talking.
    • Minimum video duration: 3 minutes.
    • Longer videos will results in longer training time.
    • The background is irrelevant, it will be removed during preprocessing.
    • Avoid hand or arms movements. Having such movements (that might cause occlusion) will interfere with the quality of the generated frames during training.


You can follow the instructions in each README to clone the respective repositories and run the python code independently.

Following are some instructions to build both models using Docker.

Train New Avatars

  • Place the new video in /data/{model-name}/input_data/video. Where model-name is either motionGan or neuralVoice. Be aware that the name of the folder determines the avatar name.

        └── video # Folder containing m video files
            ├── avatar_1
            │       └── avatar_1.mp4
            └── avatar_m
            │       └── avatar_m.mp4
            └── my_new_avatar
                    └── my_new_avatar.mp4
  • Set the AVAILABLE_AVATARS variable in .env/debug.env to the name of your new avatar(s) using a comma separated list

  • Build and run the docker containers using instructions here.

  • Use the API as described here.

Inference for NeuralVoicePuppertry Model

  • Place the checkpoints directory in /data/neuralVoice/checkpoints. Be aware that the name of the folder determines the avatar name. This directory must contain the following elements:

           └── my_avatar
               ├── latest_inpainter.pth # Weights for the inpainter network
               ├── latest_netD.pth # Weights for the discriminator network
               ├── latest_texture_decoder.pth # Weights for the neural renderer network
               └── latest_texture.pth # Learned neural texture

    Note: all these files will be generated automatically when training an avatar on a new video.

  • Place the checkpoints directory in /data/neuralVoice/features. Be aware that the name of the folder determines the avatar name. This directory must contain the following elements:

           └── my_avatar
               ├── DECA_codedicts # folder containing all DECA morphable model information per frame
               ├── og_frames # folder containing all extracted video frames
               ├── my_avatar.h5 # H5 file containing all tracking information for each frame
               └── tform.npy # numpy file containing all transformation required to crop each frame 

    Note: all these files will be generated automatically when training an avatar on a new video.

  • Place the checkpoints directory in /data/neuralVoice/mappings. Be aware that the name of the folder determines the avatar name. This directory must contain the following elements:

            └── audio2ExpressionsAttentionTMP4-estimatorAttention-SL8-BS16-ARD_ZDF-multi_face_audio_eq_tmp_cached-RMS-20191105-115332-look_ahead
                       └── mapping_my_avatar.npy # file containing mapping between audio expressions and person specific expressions      

    Note: all these files will be generated automatically when training an avatar on a new video.

  • Place the input video directory in /data/neuralVoice/input_data/video. Be aware that the name of the folder determines the avatar name. This directory must contain the following files:

    input_data # Folder containing all input data
        └── video # Folder containing video files
            └── my_avatar # Folder generated by running the pipeline: contains "my_new_avatar" video processed information
                    ├── my_avatar.mp4 # original video of the avatar
                    └── my_avatar.wav # extracted audio from the original video

    Note: all these files will be generated automatically when training an avatar on a new video.

  • Set the AVAILABLE_AVATARS variable in .env/debug.env to the name of your avatar(s) using a comma separated list

  • Build and run the docker containers using instructions here.

  • Use the API as described here.

Inference for MotionGan Model

  • Place the checkpoints directory in /data/motionGan/checkpoints. Be aware that the name of the folder determines the avatar name. This directory must contain the following elements:

    checkpoints # Folder containing all checkpoints of trained avatars 
        └── my_avatar # Folder containing checkpoints of the "my_new_avatar" Avatar
            ├── GAN_config.txt # GAN configuration parameters during training
            ├── head2body.pkl # checkpoint for head position to body position regression
            ├── head2body_test.png # result of the regression
            ├── latest_Audio2Headpose.pkl # checkpoint for audio to head-motion finetuned network
            ├── latest_GAN_model.pt # checkpoint for the GAN network
            ├── logs # folder containing all training logs during GAN training
            └── train_opt.txt # audio to head-motion configuration parameters during finetuning

    Note: all these files will be generated automatically when training an avatar on a new video.

  • Place the input video directory in /data/motionGan/input_data/video. Be aware that the name of the folder determines the avatar name. This directory must contain the following files:

    input_data # Folder containing all input data
        └── video # Folder containing video files
            └── my_avatar # Folder generated by running the pipeline: contains "my_new_avatar" video processed information
                    ├── img_size.npy # file containing information about the frame size
                    ├── mapping.npy # file containing mapping between audio expressions and person specific expressions
                    └── track_params.pt # file containing all head poses and tracked information of the original video 

    Note: all these files will be generated automatically when training an avatar on a new video.

  • Set the AVAILABLE_AVATARS variable in .env/debug.env to the name of your avatar(s) using a comma separated list

  • Build and run the docker containers using instructions here.

  • Use the API as described here.

Build and Run Docker Containers

  • Run the application using one of the following commands:
    • In order to run a regular, full run including both models, run the following:

      docker compose up --build     

      This configuration makes use of the settings specified in the docker-compose.yml and the .env files

    • In order to run a reduced debug setup, run the following:

      docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-debug-yml up --build backend {model-name}

      Where {model-name} is either nerual-voice-model or motion-gan-model.

      This configuration overrides the settings specified in the docker-compose.yml and the .env files with those in the docker-compose-debug.yml and debug.env files respectively.

API Usage

In order to interact with the running api server, access http://localhost:5000/api/docs, then navigate to the following routes:

  • POST /api/inference: Run inference on a new input audio. If the selected avatar has not yet been trained, this will perform the training. Inference should take roughly a minute for most short audio clips, training will take roughly 8 to 24 hours
  • GET /api/videos: Returns the metadata for all generated videos, including ones currently being processed. Note the inferenceCompleted flag, indicating whether inference for this particular video has been completed.
  • GET /api/video: Returns the video in a common web streaming format that can be displayed by most modern video players & browsers but does not work properly with the docs page. Alternatively you can retrieve your finished videos from the folder structure the same way you added the input videos under data/{model-name}/output_data/video.
  • DELETE /api/video: Deletes all data about a generated video from the database as well as the file system.


This implementation AvatarForge is free and open source! All code in this repository is licensed under:

Both pipeline rely and are inspired by the other works works. You can find further information in each the READMEs of both offered pipeline.

Contact information

Alberto Pennino: alberto.pennino@inf.ethz.ch