- 6
Consider cut a release for 0.4.0
#50 opened by Dentrax - 0
Support for OAuth2
#49 opened by kristbaum - 5
Release 0.3.8 or 1.0.0
#46 opened by consideRatio - 2
mediawiki deprecation ended 10/7
#45 opened by philoserf - 0
Tag the source
#44 opened by fabaff - 0
mwoauth.errors.OAuthException: oauth_callback must be set, and must be set to "oob" (case-sensitive), or the configured callback must be a prefix of the supplied callback.
#42 opened by rovitotv - 1
Typo in README
#40 opened by roysmith - 5
RequestToken no longer works with byte strings.
#38 opened by consideRatio - 1
Unhandled Base64 encoded response
#36 opened by halfak - 3
Regression: Comparing bytes and string
#35 opened by Nudin - 2
- 2
- 6
- 4
Any breaking change in version 0.3.1?
#27 opened by 5j9 - 4
- 1
Recent versions of pyjwt break the package
#13 opened by sitic - 0
#15 opened by jpadilla - 2
odd output on build
#11 opened by jayvdb - 2
Parsing query string fails
#10 opened by yuvipanda - 1
Issues with pip install
#8 opened by rfaulkner - 2
- 0
Add link to the docs in the GH repo home
#5 opened by FiloSottile