
Medic Reporter allows you to send reports to Medic Mobile from a web interface.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Please note that this repo is no longer supported.

Similar functionality is available in the Admin tab of apps built using cht-core. Messages can also be submitted via the command-line tool medic-conf.


Medic Reporter is a web interface to send reports to a Medic Mobile instance (see medic-webapp). You can send all SMS-based formats that Medic Mobile supports : Muvuku (used by SimApps), Textforms or Textforms Compact formats.

Medic Reporter is a couchapp, install it in a couchdb server, and then access it through:

<server url>/medic-reporter/_design/medic-reporter/_rewrite/

You're guided to fill in reports:

Screenshot: field validation

You can use the different report formats that Medic Mobile supports:

Screenshot: different report formats


Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/medic/medic-reporter
cd medic-reporter

Use the erica tool to push. The binary is committed to the repo. You can also download the signed release :

curl https://people.apache.org/~dch/dist/tools/erica > erica

Note : the erica script needs to be in the same dir as the app files, otherwise you'll get an error on push. (So don't add it to your PATH for instance!)

Chmod the erica script:

chmod 775 erica

Push the couchapp with erica:

./erica push http://admin:pass@localhost:5984/medic-reporter


manifest.webapp is used by FF OS's style of app development.

To use it simply start a http server in the root directory:

python run_server.py
Manifest URL:
Serving app at


Upload Forms

You must make a list of JSON forms available via http so that medic-reporter can pull them, with the following format:

  settings: {
    formCode1: {<form1>},
    formCode2: {<form2>},
    formCodeN: {formN}

Each form should follow the Medic Mobile JSON forms format. (Format example).

If you are using medic-webapp, leave the default setting which will fetch the forms from the webapp.

Configure Form List URL

Once you uploaded your forms, if you are not user Medic Mobile webapp, edit default settings in js/app.js to point medic-reporter to your forms.

Query Parameters

You can also specify settings with URL query parameters. Special query parameters are:

  • _hide_topbar - 0 to display and 1 to hide
  • _hide_forms - comma separated list of form codes to hide
  • _show_forms - comma separated list of form codes to show, all others will be hidden
  • _locale - preset the local the form will render in
  • _sync_url - path to resource where messages are added
  • _forms_list_path - path to JSON encoded forms resource
  • _gateway_num - set the gateway number
  • _debug - show the debug panel
  • _textforms_option - show the textforms checkbox option
  • _use_textforms - if set to 'true' then toggle it to on
  • _embed_mode=1 - uses tabs on the interface; more compact and useful for embedding
  • _embed_mode=2 same as 1 but provides even simpler interface by removing the compose and configuration functionality.

Example : http://localhost:5988/medic-reporter/_design/medic-reporter/_rewrite/?_embed_mode=1&_show_forms=REF,VAC

All other parameters attempt to bind into the form.

License & Copyright

Copyright 2013 Medic Mobile, 501(c)(3) hello@medicmobile.org

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.