
netflow viewer written in node.js

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

✿ flower — Netflow viewer

This package is based on Sghazzawi's Node-Netflowd, and is intended to replace National Taiwan Ocean University's dormitory flow viewer.


  • Gathers all Netflow packets and updates on-the-fly (features socket.io for instant push to client)
  • TODO: Trigger to deal with banned users.
  • For an interval (10 minutes), the system writes the data to postgresql database.
  • TODO: The user can check the usage history in daily and hourly perspective.
  • TODO: The usage log can be deleted after a long period.
  • TODO: API support for external program.


  • A Cisco router (or compatible one) which can output Netflow packet v5 format.
  • node.js with npm (nvm for rescue)

Up and running

  • install postgresql (apt-get install postgresql in Debian or Ubuntu) then configure its user account and password
  • npm install
  • cp config.example.js config.js
  • edit config.js for your environment
  • node app

It is prefered to use forever to run for a long period.