
Tracking own deaths in a live-game and log it to figure out the reasons for them to happen. This is just the beginning for more interesting ideas.

Primary LanguageJava


Tracking own deaths in a live-game and log it to figure out the reasons for them to happen. This is just the beginning for more interesting ideas.

Project Structure

├── backend
│   └── tracking
├── frontend
│   └── cli
├── logs
└── script

Currently there is only one backend module which is tracking module. Tbh, this module contains some services that shouldn't be in it. Like getting the match history of a player, Also I have my doubt about the persistence part, as probably this module will be downloaded with the destkop app in local. This will be refactored in one of the future PRs.

I made the decision of choosing to develop a cli module before creating a more complex desktop app. As it will make the project somehow usefull in a shorter time and also because it is much faster to interact with if the user currently playing, no need to scroll all over a page.

You just need to know the command to run and if you type fast it will fill much more faster to use the cli than the graphical interface that also my have delays and lacks in the performance departement compared to cli which is normal. I would assume that the graphical interface will have more features than the cli thought.


I started this project with Java and Spring as I got introduced to them in the uni. I loved working with Spring and wanted to improve my knowledge in it. Besides that, it is actually a good option, as Java is plateform-independant and mature, and also with Spring providing the Scalability and Modularity.

Concerning the CLI. I chose Go, because compared to the other popular alternative, I found out that Go is efficient and fast, while keeping a simple and straighforward syntax. Go supports cross-compilation, allowing developers to build CLI tools for multiple platforms from a single codebase. And also for the simple reason that I want to work with a language I never used.

How To Use

Create a dev_key.txt file in backend/tracking/src/main/resources/credentials. You may not find credentials folder, that's because it is ignored by the repo (Look at the .ignorefile). In that case, create the folder and put dev_key.txt in it.

Tree Directory from backend/tracking/src/main

├── java
│   └── com
│       └── medkha
└── resources
    ├── certificats
    │   └── trusted_certs
    └── credentials

Put your dev-key than you can get from Dev portal of Riot games (More info) in the dev_key.txt

❗By default the dev_key.txt will always be ignored by the repo in your commits. But be careful, and double-check in case you commited it by mistake.

In the script/ folder, you will find multiple bash scripts to run:

├── build_script  # For building all the modules 
├── run_script    # For running all the modules
└── stop_script  # For stopping all the running modules. 

An example would be

./build_script # wait for the build to finish 

After running the scripts, you can run the command lono equivalent to lono -h

And then check the doc of the available api for tracking module in http://localhost:8999/swagger-ui.html.

  • You will find logs of your builds and runs in the generated log folder.
  • Don't forget to check if you can run the scripts ls -l , in case you cannot -> chmod +x [file_name]

🔄 LastUpdate: 08/06/2023