Condition-Invariant and Compact Visual Place Description by Convolutional Autoencoder

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Autoencoder-based VPR


Code content

├── examples
│   ├── evaluator  // draw plots of the evaluation results
|   ├── ibl  // key modules
│   ├── extract_single_features.py  // extract a single feature
│   ├── test_convauto.py  // used to test CAE performance
│   └── train_convauto.py  // used to train CAE
├── logs  // pre-trained, trained models and evaluation results
|   ├── conv // classification pre-trained model
│   ├── convAuto  // our trained model
│   ├── netvlad  // pittsburg-trained NetVLAD
│   ├── vd16_offtheshelf_conv5_3_max.pth  // imageNet-trained VGG16
│   └── vgg16_netvlad.pth  // vgg trained by NetVLAD
├── README.md
└── scripts
    ├── test_convAuto.sh  // evaluate our VPR descriptor
    ├── train_convAuto.sh  // training script

Extract a single descriptor using our trained model

Download trained models (keyword: wifh) and put convauto to ./logs

Extract a single descriptor

python examples/extract_single_feature.py --img_path=xxx.jpg
  • This setting will output a descriptor of 1024d by VGG16+CAE. If you want to generate othter dimension of the descriptor, please change args settings in the file, including dimension and resume
  • output dimension = args.dimension*32, where args.dimension is the dimension of the last kernel of CAE

CAE-based descriptor training

Download datasets from BaiduYun-link, password: mguf

It contains:

  • RobotCar: 2014-12-09-13-21-02, 2014-12-10-18-10-50, 2014-12-16-18-44-24, 2014-11-18-13-20-12, 2015-02-03-08-45-10
  • Uacampus: day-night
  • Norland: summer-winter

Download pre-trained model (keyword: 3ukp) and put all files to ./logs

Train VGG16+CAE:

# bash scripts/train_convAuto.sh ${dimension of the 1st kernel} ${dimension of the 2nd kernel} ${dimension of the last kernel} ${batch size} ${dataset directory} ${VGG16 checkpoit of NetVLAD}
bash scripts/train_convAuto.sh vgg 128 128 32 128 /data/hanjing logs/netvlad/pitts30k-vgg16/conv5-triplet-lr0.001-neg1-tuple4/model_best.pth.tar
  • Here, we directly use weights of NetVLAD backbone for fair comparison
  • output dimension = ${dimension of the last kernel}*32
  • Logs file will be stored in logs/netvlad/pitts30k-vgg16/conv5-triplet-lr0.001-neg1-tuple4

Train AlexNet+CAE:

# bash scripts/train_convAuto.sh ${dimension of the 1st kernel} ${dimension of the 2nd kernel} ${dimension of the last kernel} ${batch size} ${dataset directory}
# "xxx" is nonsense
bash scripts/train_convAuto.sh alexnet 128 128 32 128 /data/hanjing xxx

CAE-based descriptor testing

Test VGG16+CAE

# bash test_convAuto.sh ${method} ${dimension of the 1st kernel} ${dimension of the 2nd kernel} ${dimension of the last kernel} ${resume} ${dataset directory}
bash scripts/test_convAuto.sh vggConv 128 128 32 logs/convAuto/robotcar/vgg/lr0.001-bs128-islayernormTrue-d1-128-d2-128-dimension1024/checkpoint49.pth.tar /data/hanjing

Test AlexNet+CAE

# bash test_convAuto.sh ${method} ${dimension of the 1st kernel} ${dimension of the 2nd kernel} ${dimension of the last kernel} ${resume} ${dataset directory}
bash scripts/test_convAuto.sh alexnetConv 128 128 32 logs/convAuto/robotcar/alexnet/lr0.001-bs256-islayernormTrue-d1-128-d2-128-dimension1024/checkpoint49.pth.tar /data/hanjing

Test NetVLAD

# Here, "128, 128, 32" are nonsense
bash scripts/test_convAuto.sh netvlad 128 128 32 logs/netvlad/pitts30k-vgg16/conv5-triplet-lr0.001-neg1-tuple4/model_best.pth.tar /data/hanjing

Test VGG16

# Here, "128, 128, 32" are nonsense
bash scripts/test_convAuto.sh vgg16 128 128 32 logs/conv/vgg/model_best.pth.tar /data/hanjing
  • Here, we directly use weights of NetVLAD backbone

Test AlexNet

# Here, "128, 128, 32, " are nonsense
bash scripts/test_convAuto.sh alexnet 128 128 32 logs/conv/alexnet/imagenet_matconvnet_alex.pth /data/hanjing


If you find this repo useful for your research, please consider citing the paper

  title={Condition-Invariant and Compact Visual Place Description by Convolutional Autoencoder},
  author={Ye, Hanjing and Chen, Weinan and Yu, Jingwen and He, Li and Guan, Yisheng and Zhang, Hong},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.07350},
