
Simple Image Color filter for Craft CMS to extract colors from images.

Primary LanguagePHP

Image Color Filter for Craft CMS

Simple Image Color filter for Craft CMS.

Grabs the most prominate colors from any image asset using a twig filter on an assets object


<div style="background-color: url({{ entry.image[0]|imageColor }})">

	<img src="{{ entry.image[0].url }}"/>

Grabs the second most prominate color (0 index). Currently saves up to 5 colors per image

<div style="background-color: url({{ entry.image[0]|imageColor(1) }})">

	<img src="{{ entry.image[0].url }}"/>


Working on a number of new features

  • Settings screen to set number of colors saved
  • Assets fieldtype to show dropdown of colors and letting you select which one to use on an image by image basis
  • Better error checking and defaults.