
Converts all the files in your directory and subdirectory to txt

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Convert your project code into one txt file

How to use

  1. Make sure you have node installed in the system https://nodejs.org/en/
  2. Go to the root folder of your project
  3. Run npx dirtxt

Commands available

Commands Description Usage
--debug Adds debug logs while running n/a
--di or --dontIgnore Doesn't ignore any directory or file n/a
--i or --ignore Ignores directories or files inputted --i={dir,one,file}
--e or --extensionsIgnore Ignores extensions inputted --e={png,jpg,mp4}
--o or --output Output file, default is output.txt --o somewhere.txt

Default settings

  • Directories and files ignored by default: node_modules, .git, yarn.lock, package-lock.json
  • Extensions ignored by default: tif, tiff, bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, eps, raw, cr2, nef, orf, sr2, mp4
  • Reads .gitignore file if it exits and ignores all the directories and files listed there
  • Outputs by default to output.txt